Love CatZ DJ Goxy DJ Dark Energy 06.01.2018. Vrtoglavica

Love CatZ DJ Goxy DJ Dark Energy 06.01.2018. Vrtoglavica
Šajkaška 15b, Beograd

Klub #Vrtoglavica, Vertigo PUB i Vertigo SUB – subota 6. Januar:

►Klub Vrtoglavica (Gornji klub): LOVE CATZ
DJ Goxy DJ Dark Energy

◕ GothRock ◕ FuturePop ◕ EBM ◕ Synthpop ◕ ElectroPop ◕
◕ Dark Wave ◕ 80’s Pop-Rock ◕

Love CatZ je najstariji program kluba Vrtoglavica i u kontinuitetu traje pod raznim imenima već preko 8 godina. U pitanju je muzički spoj Gothica i Gothic Rocka i elektronske muzike (EBM, Future Pop, Electro Pop) u najširem mogućem smislu, sa vrlo čestim uplivima u komercijalne vode (Depeche Mode, David Bowie, Cure, …) koje nisu direktno Gothic već se mogu tretirati kao srodne ili kao granični primeri.

►Vertigo PUB Sredina): Chillout Zone

►Vertigo SUB (Donji klub): Bilijar

Klub je klimatizovan – Garderoba je besplatna!Club # Vrtoglavica, Vertigo PUB and Vertigo SUB – Saturday January 6:

►Club Vertigo (Upper Club): LOVE CATZ
DJ Goxy DJ Dark Energy

◕ GothRock ◕ FuturePop ◕ EBM ◕ Synthpop ◕ ElectroPop ◕
◕ Dark Wave 80’s Pop-Rock ◕

Love CatZ is the oldest program of the Heartbeat Club and has been continuously under various names for more than 8 years. It is a music mix of Gothic and Gothic Rock and Electronic Music (EBM, Future Pop, Electro Pop) in the widest possible sense, with very frequent influences in commercial waters (Depeche Mode, David Bowie, Cure, …) that are not directly Gothic they can already be treated as related or as borderline examples.

►Vertigo PUB Mid): Chillout Zone

►Vertigo SUB (Lower Club): Billiards

The club is air-conditioned – The wardrobe is free!


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