Luka Vukovic AKA Lukavi je najmlađi član naše najstarije DJ organizacije,Happy People, koja već punih 24 godina deluje u regionu i inostranstvu.
Lukavi je stekao širu popularnost kada je u Beogradu 2009. godine osnovao TechTide, koji je bio pod velikim uticajem engleskog tech house-a i Wiggle ekipe. Danas je njegov zvuk na granici minimala i tech house-a sa dosta groova, suptilnih acid melodija i perkusija, koji je nastao mešanjem nemačkog, engleskog, rumunskog i srpskog prizvuka.
Nedavno je objavio traku pod imenom „Treset“ na kompilaciji „Dengech“ za beogradsku izdavačku kuću Brosh, a uskoro očekujemo i njegov prvenac na vinyl-u.
Desetog marta u klubu Feedback imaćemo priliku po prvi put čuti bojne novitete u „lukavoj“ selekciji, kao i mnoga nerelizovana izdanja čije vreme tek dolazi.
Lokalna podrška za ovai event bide Waveritza i Cyberphunk i njihov prepoznatljiv deep-dark-dub-tech&sexy zvuk, koji je dobro poznat domaćoj publici.
Info o ulaznicama: uskoro!Luke Vukovic AKA Lukavi is the youngest member of our oldest DJ organization, Happy People, who has been working for 24 years in the region and abroad.
Lukavi gained widespread popularity when he founded TechTide in Belgrade in 2009, which was heavily influenced by the English tech house and the Wiggle team. Today, his sound is on the border of the minimalist and tech house with a lot of grooves, subtle acid melodies and percussion, which was created by mixing the German, English, Romanian and Serbian revelations.
He has recently published a band called „Treset“ on the compilation „Dengech“ for the Brosh publishing house in Belgrade, and we are also expecting his first vinyl record.
On March 10 at the Feedback Club, we will have the opportunity to hear the battalion novelties in the „tricky“ selection for the first time, as well as many unreasonable editions whose time is coming.
Local support for the ovai event bides Waveritza and Cyberphunk and their recognizable deep-dark-dub-tech & sexy sound, which is well-known to the local audience.
Ticket info: soon!