Magični grad bajki 05.02 – 04.03.2018.Najlepše želje

Magični grad bajki 05.02 – 04.03.2018.Najlepše želje
Bulevar Peka Dapčevića 29, Beograd
05.Feb.2018 - 04.Mar.2018

Najlepše željice i Belgrade Waterfront te vode u Magični grad bajki!

Dođite sa svojim mališanima u Magični grad bajki i prepustite se čaroliji. Da sreća bude još veća – a bajke još slađe, na licu mesta mališani će moći da degustiraju Najlepše željice.

Ova besplatna manifestacija će trajati od 5. februara do 4. marta i tokom ovog perioda vas i vašu porodicu očekuju mnogi jedinstveni trenuci poput predstava, dečijih opera, mađioničara i još mnogo toga!

Vaši mališani će uživati u predstavama i čitanju bajki, upoznati se sa hodačima na štulama i imati priliku da ispišu svoje najlepše želje na Zidu željica.

Svi zainteresovani će moći da doniraju dečije knjige koje im nisu potrebne, a mi ćemo ih pokloniti deci kojoj je to najpotrebnije.

Za male umetnike biće i muzičkih radionica, kutka za crtanje, uključujući i oslikavanje željice na licu. Očekuju vas slatka iznenađenja, zato ne propustite priliku da osetite čaroliju od 5. februara do 4. marta u Ulici Travnička 1 kod Geozavoda!

Za više informacija o programu posetite link:

Dobrodošli!Best wishes and Belgrade Waterfront take you to Magic Fairy Tales!

Come with your little ones into magical city fairy tales and indulge yourself spell. To make the happiness even bigger – and the fairy tales are even smoother, the little ones will be able to taste the most beautiful petals on the spot.

This free event will last from February 5 to March 4 and during this period you and your family expect many unique moments like performances, children’s operas, magicians and more!

Your little ones will enjoy the performances and reading of fairy tales, get to know the walkers on the stools and have the opportunity to show their best wishes on the Wall of Flies.

All interested will be able to donate children’s books that they do not need, and we will give them to children who need it most.

For small artists, there will be music workshops, a drawing corner, including the painting of the petals on the face. Cute surprises are waiting for you, so do not miss the opportunity to feel the magic from February 5 to March 4 in Travnička 1 near Geozavoda!

For more information about the program, visit the link:



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