Mando Diao official after: DJ Kneža 07.02.2018 Vintage Industrial

Mando Diao official after: DJ Kneža 07.02.2018 Vintage Industrial
Savska cesta 160, Zagreb

SRIJEDA 7.2.2018. | Mando Diao official after party by DJ Kneža @Vintage Industrial Bar | Start 22:30 I Ulaz besplatan

Nakon što Mando Diao rasplešu zagrebački Velesajam, u Vintage Industrialu održat će se official after party! Na after partyu će DJ Kneža za vas puštati najbolje od rock’n roll glazbe. ULAZ FREE / START 22h!

Slavna švedska rock četvorka 7. veljače nastupiti će na Zagrebačkom velesajmu u organizaciji INmusic festivala. Nakon premijernog nastupa pred hrvatskom publikom upravo na INmusic festivalu 2012. godine, Mando Diao u veljači održati će dugoočekivani prvi samostalni koncert u Zagrebu.

Mando Diao osnovali su Björn Dixgärd i Daniel Häglund 1999. godine nakon višegodišnje zajedničke suradnje u sklopu benda Butler. Već prvi nastupi po švedskim klubovima privukli su pažnju publike i kritike, a ubrzo je uslijedio i ugovor s izdavačkom kućom EMI. Prvi album „Bring ‘Em In“ Mando Diao u Švedskoj izdaju 2002., a 2004. godine međunarodno izdanje albuma lansira zavidnu međunarodnu karijeru.

Uslijedili su još uspješniji i međunarodno izvrsno primljeni „Hurricane Bar“ 2004. godine, „Ode to Ochrasy“ 2006. godine, „Never Seen The Light Of Day” u 2007. godini, a kulminaciju međunarodne karijere Mando Diao su doživjeli s petim studijskim albumom „Give Me Fire“ iz 2009. godine na kojemu se nalazi i njhov najveći hit Dance With Somebody.

Mando Diao su u relativno kratkom vremenskom roku uz niz odličnih albuma i singlova osigurali titulu jednog od najuspješnijih švedskih izvoznih glazbenih proizvoda. Nakon kompilacije najvećih hitova, u 2012. godini bend se okreće svojoj matičnoj publici i snima prvi album s tekstovima isključivo na švedskom jeziku, a 2014. eksperimentiraju i sa elektro rock zvukom te izdaju sedmi studijski album „Ælita“.

U svibnju ove godine Mando Diao izdali su osmi studijski album „Good Times“ i započeli novo poglavlje benda, a pred hrvatsku publiku vraćaju se u sklopu europske turneje 7. veljače 2018. godine nastupom u Paviljonu 9 Zagrebačkog velesajma. Ulaznice za povratnički koncert jednog od najomiljenijih švedskih sastava dostupne su putem službenog webshopa INmusic festivala i u Dirty Old Shopu (Tratinska 18, Zagreb).

Više informacija:

Više informacija o programu Vintage Industriala:, 7.2.2018. | Mando Diao official after party by DJ Kneža @Vintage Industrial Bar | Start 22:30 And Entrance Free

After Mando Diao scoops up at the Zagreb Fair, the official after party will be held at Vintage Industrial! At the after party, DJ Kneža will give you the best of rock’n roll music. ENTER FREE / START 22h!

The famous Swedish rock quartet will perform on February 7 at the Zagreb Fair, organized by the INmusic Festival. After the premiere appearance in front of the Croatian audience at the INmusic Festival in 2012, Mando Diao will hold the long-awaited first solo concert in Zagreb in February.

Mando Diao founded Björn Dixgärd and Daniel Häglund in 1999 after many years of joint collaboration within the Butler band. Already the first performance by Swedish clubs attracted public attention and criticism, and soon followed the contract with EMI’s publishing house. The first album, „Bring ‘Em In“, Mando Diao in Sweden, is released in 2002, and in 2004 the international release of the album launches an enviable international career.

They were followed by an even more successful and internationally acclaimed „Hurricane Bar“ in 2004, „Ode to Ochrasy“ in 2006, „Never Seen The Light Of Day“ in 2007, and the culmination of the international career Mando Diao have been experienced with five studio albums „Give Me Fire“ in 2009 featuring his biggest hit Dance With Somebody.

In a relatively short time, Mando Diao has ensured the title of one of the most successful Swedish export music products with a number of great albums and singles. After compilation of the biggest hits, in 2012 the band turns to their home audience and records their first album with lyrics exclusively in Swedish, and in 2014 they experiment with electro rock sound and release the seventh studio album „Ælita“.

In May of this year, Mando Diao released the eighth studio album „Good Times“ and started a new chapter of the band, and before the Croatian audience, they return to the European tour on February 7, 2018, performing at Pavilion 9 of the Zagreb Fair. Tickets for the return concert of one of the most popular Swedish ensembles are available through the official INMusic Festival webshop and in the Dirty Old Shop (Tratinska 18, Zagreb).

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