Dolazi nam MaraQYa!
Ovaj jedinstveni autorski beogradski bend postoji od 2008. godine.
Soul, Neo Soul, R&B, Funk albumi: “Savršen Dan” (2010), I” Soul I Biber” (2015) obeleželi su sjajnu muzičku deceniju, veliki broj koncerata i spotova, i saradnju sa rep izvodjacima Struka, Bege Fank, Toni Zen, Gru..
Od 2015. godine sa novim pevačem Markom Vlahovićem zadržavaju prepoznatljiv soul/funk zvuk, i donose nam nove hitove.
Najnoviji singl i spot „Biti s tobom“ premijerno je prikazan 09.11.
Koncert u „Elektropioniru“ donosi rekapitulaciju svih velikih pesama koje je Maraqya iznedrila, ali i prvo „live“ izvođenje novog singla „Biti s tobom“ pred beogradskom publikom!
Cena karte: 400 din.MaraQYa comes to us!
This unique Belgrade Belgrade band has been in existence since 2008.
Soul, Neo Soul, R & B, Funk’s albums: „Perfect Day“ (2010), „Soul and Biber“ (2015) marked a great musical decade, a large number of concerts and spots, and cooperation with rep singers Struka, Bege Fank, Toni Zen, Gru ..
From 2015, with the new singer Mark Vlahovic, they retain a recognizable soul / funk sound, and bring us new hits.
The latest single and spot „Being with you“ is premiered on 09.11.
The concert in „Elektropionir“ brings a recapitulation of all the great songs that Maraqya has produced, but also the first „live“ performance of the new single „Be With You“ in front of the Belgrade audience!
Price of the card: 400 din.