Aljesja Jermeljanova „MAŠA I MEDVED“
Pozorište „Milivoje Živanović“ Centra za kulturu Požarevac
Režija Radomir Đorđević
Maša – Katarina Togić
Taša – Lea Henc
Medved – Dejan Milošević
Baba – Tamara Jovanović
Deda – Zoran Živković
U trenutku postavljanja predstave, krajem 2016. god., ovo je bila jedina legalna verzija u Srbiji. Prevod teksta uradio je Dragi Ivić, direktor Centra za kulturu uz sugestije autorke Aljese Jeremiljanove.
Centar za kulturu Lazarevac
2. decembar u 16,00h
Ulaznice su u prodaji!
Informacije: 011/8123-344Alesya Jermeljanova „MAŠA and BEAR“
Theater „Milivoje Zivanovic“ of the Cultural Center Pozarevac
Director Radomir Djordjevic
Maša – Katarina Togić
Tasha – Lea Henc
Medved – Dejan Milosevic
Baba – Tamara Jovanovic
Deda – Zoran Zivkovic
At the time of setting up the show, at the end of 2016, this was the only legal version in Serbia. Translation of the text was done by Dragi Ivić, Director of the Center for Culture, with the suggestions of the author Alessa Jeremiljanova.
Center for Culture Lazarevac
December 2 at 4 pm
Tickets are on sale!
Information: 011 / 8123-344