Harfistica Doris Karamatić donosi glazbeni stand up „Me, Myself & Harp„, 12.01.2018. od 21.00h u Jazz & Cabaret club Kontesa, Augusta Cesarca 2, Zagreb.
Uz red priče i humora te red vrhunske glazbe, Doris će opisati povijest glazbe i osvrnuti se na današnje glazbene uratke. Akteri predstave su harfa, glazba i Doris.
Tko je Doris, kako izgleda, zašto svira, čemu služi i da li uopće postoji? Odgovor ćete dobiti na izvedbi „Me,Myself&Harp“.
Doris Karamatić je jedna od onih žena čija karizma zauzima čitav prostor u kojem se nalazi. Više je razloga tome. Prvi je svakako njen opušten i ležeran pristup svemu te ogromna doza humora i šarma koji izvire iz njenih rečenica. Drugi je činjenica da svira harfu, instrument koji nas svojim magičnim zvukom osvaja već stoljećima i treći su njene upečatljive, ali promišljene kreacije koje nosi na svojim nastupima. Publici želimo dočarati viđenje glazbe kroz humor, ogoliti dramatiku i ozbiljnost koja se oduvijek veže uz glazbu uz glazbenu podlogu svima znanih hitova izvođenih na harfi.
Doris pratite na Facebooku https://www.facebook.com/
With a line of stories and humor and a line of top class music, Doris will describe the history of music and look back on today’s musical career. Performers are harp, music and Doris.
Who is Doris, what does it look like, why does it play, what does it serve and does it even exist? The answer will be on „Me, Myself & Harp“.
Doris Karamatić is one of those women whose charisma occupies the entire space in which she lives. There are more reasons for this. The first is its relaxed and easy access to everything and the enormous amount of humor and charm that comes from her sentences. The other is the fact that he plays a harp, an instrument that he has won with his magic sound for centuries and the third of his impressive but thoughtful creations he carries on his performances. We want to show people the sight of music through humor, hide the drama and severity that has always been associated with music with the musical background of all the famous hits performed on harps.
Follow Doris on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hopharp