Uspešna i atraktivna, lokalna i globalna, multinacionalna i multikulturalna. Nije teško pogoditi – predstavljamo Sajam turizma. Po svim kriterijumima – obimu, kvalitetu, značaju, privlačnosti…, rezultat je isti – Sajam turizma je jedna od najuspešnijih manifestacija u zemlji i regionu. Samo turizam sa toliko šarma spaja biznis i zadovoljstvo, samo putovanja imaju neodoljivu privlačnost za sve ljude na planeti.
Beogradski sajam krajem februara svake godine na nekoliko dana postaje „svet u malom“, ali i privredna manifestacija koja, uz poslovne, okuplja i na desetine hiljada „običnih“ posetilaca. Neko traži poslovne partnere, neko turističke aranžmane. Svakako, svi su tu i na jednom mestu predstavljaju se turističke agencije, savezi i organizacije, hoteli, turistički centri, vazduhoplovne kompanije, međunarodni tur operatori…
Karta 300 din, grupna karta 200 dinBelgrade Tourism Fair is ranked as the largest tourist event in the country and Southeast Europe. Fulfilling the international business standards for more than 30 years, it has created partner relationships with its exhibitors, offering quality and various activities and attracting huge number of exhibitors every year.
Last year, more than 880 exhibitors have been presented, while the number of visitors has exceeded 58 thousand. The international character of the event, which is attracting more exhibitors each year from all parts of the world, has been confirmed by more than 250 foreign participants from 43 countries.
The Food Service Indutry Fair HORECA and The International Wine Fair BEOWINE are taking place simultaneously with the Tourism Fair, as its integral part since 2005.
A number of awards and acknowledgements are the indicator Tourism Fair is the most successful tourist event in Serbia and the region.
Ticket 300 din Group ticket 200 din