Metal vs Hardcore 05.05.2018.Elektropionir

Metal vs Hardcore 05.05.2018.Elektropionir
Cetinjska 15, Beograd

Švajcarski thrash metal hardcore sastav, prvi put u Beogradu u okviru evropsle turneje kroz koju promovišu novi album „Against The Odds“. Dolaze iz gradića Lenzburg na severu Švajcarske, iza sebe imaju više turneja a poznati su i po jako energičnom nastupu i pravljenju odlične atmosfere. Definitivno bend za ljubitelje dobre zabave!

Odd Crew
Već uveliko poznati nam Bugari, dolaze iz Sofije da još jednom pokažu koliko moćan jedan bend sa ovih prostora može da bude. Pored standardnih rifova poput „Mark These Words“, „Lay On Me“, „A Bottle Of Friends“ nadamo se bar delu promovisanju dolazećeg akustičnog albuma.

The Valley
Relativno mlad bend ali ne i tako mladi i nepoznati momci iz Subotice. The Valley je nastao kao hardcore ideja da muzikom pokušaju da se razbiju monotonija i sivilo jednog grada na severu Srbije. Ideja je opstala a bend je u usponu, pogotovo od najave za izlazak prvog albuma „Never Give Up“ koji trenutno promovišu.

VC uveliko radi na novom materijalu i planira još jednom ulazak u studio. Do sada je toliko zagarantovano a u međuvremenu su u planu koncerti u regionu. Kao domaćini, Violent Chapter će otvoriti događaj i sa zadovoljstvom prepustiti ostatak večeri gostima.
Swiss thrash metal hardcore band, for the first time in Belgrade as part of the European Tour tour through which they promote the new album „Against The Odds“. They come from the Lenzburg town in the north of Switzerland, have more tour and they are also known for their energetic performance and making a great atmosphere. Definitely a band for lovers of good fun!

Odd Crew
Bulgarians are already very familiar to us, they come from Sofia to show once more how powerful a band from this space can be. In addition to standard riffs like „Mark These Words“, „Lay On Me“, „A Bottle Of Friends“, we hope at least to promote the forthcoming acoustic album.

The Valley
Relatively young band but not so young and unknown guys from Subotica. The Valley emerged as a hardcore idea to try to break the monotony and the grayness of a city in the north of Serbia by music. The idea has survived and the band is on the rise, especially since the announcement of the release of the first album „Never Give Up“ that is currently being promoted.

VC works hard on new material and plans to enter the studio once more. So far, so much is guaranteed, and in the meantime, there are concerts in the region. As hosts, Violent Chapter will open the event and will be happy to leave the rest of the evening to guests.


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