| 30.11. |
| Mikula
| start: 22h
| ulaz: slobodan
Smeha i pive! Jedan od većih kraljeva rime i onih ozbiljnih zezancija – uživo u Teletu. Evo, mi cupkamo od nestrpljenja, a vas par što se dvoumite, vi pravac YouTube!
„Kaš se žent?
kaš se udavat
De mi reci
pa da mogu mirno spavat
Imaš li djece
E nemaš, pa što
Šta čekaš više,
što ne rešavaš to?!“
| 30.11. |
| Mikula
| start: 22h
| entrance: free
Smeha i pive! One of the great kings of rhymes and those serious sneers – live in Telet. Here’s what we’ve got of impatience, and you’re a couple you know, you’re a YouTube!
„Do you grow old?
they’re getting married
But tell me
so I can sleep peacefully
Do you have any children
You do not have, so what?
What are you waiting for,
what can not you do that ?! “