Talentovani mladi kontrabasista Miloš Čolović nastupiće sa svojim triom u petak 5.januara u SOULu.
Bend čine trojica mladih džez muzičara koji redovno nastupaju u različitim sastavima na beogradskoj džez sceni a na repertoaru se nalaze kompozicije Miloša Čolovića i džez standardi.
Andreja Hristic – Klavir
Милош Грбатинић – Bubnjevi
Miloš Čolović – Kontrabas
U aprilu 2016, trio je osvojio prvo mesto na međunarodnom takmičenju ,,The Best Musical Mind“ u kategoriji najbolji ansambl. Nagrada je snimanje i objavljivanje njihovog prvog albuma.
Miloš Čolović je jedan od najmlađih aktivnih džez muzičara u Beogradu. Nakon muzičke škole Stanković, započeo je studije na Kunstuniversitat Graz.
Neki od muzičara sa kojima je nastupao su: Adam Nussbaum, Stejpko Gut, Brad Leali, Steve Fishwick, Claus Raible, Renato Chicco, Christian Havel, Oleg Kireyev , Jelena Jovović, Sofija Knežević, Goran Grbić, Max Kochetov… U septembru 2017. nastupio je sa Big Bendom RTS-a i solistom Frančeskom Santučijem. Svirao je na Jaffa Jazz Festivalu u Tel Avivu, Beogradskom džez festivalu, Pančevačkom džez festivalu, Belgrade Saxperience festivalu i Bass Passion festivalu u Beogradu.
Bio je jedan od 10 finalista BASS PRAGUE 2016 – svetskog takmičenja u kategoriji džez kontrabas.
Ljubitelji dobrog, pravog džeza, ovo je način da započnete svoju 2018. uz dobru muzikalnu energiju.
Vidimo se u SOULu.
Ulaz: 200 din (garderoba uračunata)
📌Soul Society (stari Bitef) – Skver Mire Trailović, Dorćol
☎ Rezervacije: 063.377.420Talented young double bass player Miloš Čolović will perform with his trio on Friday, January 5, in SOUL.
The band consists of three young jazz musicians who regularly perform in various ensembles on the Belgrade jazz scene, and on the repertoire there are compositions by Miloš Čolović and jazz standards.
Andreja Hristic – Piano
Milos Grbatinić – Drums
Miloš Čolović – Kontrabas
In April 2016, the trio won first place in the international competition „The Best Musical Mind“ in the best ensemble category. The prize is recording and publishing their first album.
Miloš Čolović is one of the youngest active jazz musicians in Belgrade. After the music school Stankovic, he started his studies at Kunstuniversitat Graz.
Some of the musicians with whom they performed include: Adam Nussbaum, Stejko Gut, Brad Leali, Steve Fishwick, Claus Raible, Renato Chicco, Christian Havel, Oleg Kireyev, Jelena Jovovic, Sofija Knezevic, Goran Grbic, Max Kochetov … In September 2017 he performed with RTS Big Band and soloist Francesco Santuchi. He played at the Jaffa Jazz Festival in Tel Aviv, the Belgrade Jazz Festival, the Pancevo Jazz Festival, the Belgrade Saxperience Festival and the Bass Passion Festival in Belgrade.
He was one of the 10 finalists of BASS PRAGUE 2016 – the world competition in the Jazz Contrabass category.
Lovers of good, real jazz, this is a way to start your 2018 with good musical energy.
See you at SOUL.
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Entry: 200 din (wardrobe included)
📌Soul Society (old Bitef) – Mire Trailović Square, Dorćol
☎ Reservations: 063.377.420
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