Ministarke 31.12.2017. Hyatt Regency

Ministarke 31.12.2017. Hyatt Regency
Milentija Popovica 5, Beograd

Doček Nove Godine 2018 – Hotel Hyatt (Hajat)!
Tradicionalno najelegantniji i glamurozniji doček je u ulici Milentija Popovića 5, u nenadmašnom Hotel Hyatt Regency u Beogradu!

Očekuje Vas najlepša Kristalna dvorana, dileme nema, mape su gotove, cene formirane, požurite i ovoga puta na vreme izaberite svoje mesto po želji i afinitetima, jer 31. decembar je i te kako blizu.

Dobrodošli i želimo Vam od srca da se provedete najbolje moguće i budete na pravom mestu i u svakako odabranom društvu u najluđoj noći!

Svečana novogodišnja večera na bazi švedskog stola inspirasana i kreirana od strane vrhunskog kulinarskog tima hotela Hyatt Regency Beograd učiniće vam poseban užitak i neće vas ostaviti ravnodušnima. Za vas smo upriličili i koktel dobrodošlice u lobiju.

Dvorana je posebno ukrašena, opremnjena i osvetljena za klubski novogodišnji doček u Kristalnoj dvorani.

Sa ponosom i zadovoljstvom pozivamo vas da nam se pridružite 31.12.2017. na najglamuroznijem dočeku nove 2018-e godine sa početkom 22h u Kristalnoj dvorani hotela Hyatt Regency Beograd u drustvu najbližih. U nadi da ćemo opravdati sva vasa očekivanja i zadobiti vaše poverenje i ove i narednih godina, radujemo se skorom susretu i pozdravljamo vas.

Očekuje Vas najlepša Kristalna dvorana, a u njoj jedna od naših najvećih muzičkih grupa, koja će se pobrinuti da doček 2018. bude za pamćenje: grupa Ministarke tokom Dočeka 2018. nastupa u Hotel-u Hajat Regency

Buffet Menu

– Sušeni paradajz sa krem sirom
– Spanać rolnice sa povrćem i sirom
– Dimljena patka Brie – potočarka na francuskom bagetu
– Pesto – artičoka i pekorino brusketi
– Goveđe pečenje i luk kompot / Rokuette Spanać rolat sa sirom i šunkom
– Izbor lokalnih sireva i hladni komadi sa orasima, suvim voćem, lavosh i hleb

– Grčka salata
– Tarana Pasta salata
– Coleslav salata
– Mešano povrće
– Paradajz – mozarela salata

– Tradicionalna teleća čorba
– Mešani roštilj svinjetina, kobasica, goveđa pečenica
– Grilovani batak sa sosom od kajmaka
– Pečeni som sa paradajzom – kaparom
– Pržena krompir sa biljem
– Dinstano sezonsko povrće
– Pasta Arabiata
– Pasta Bolonjeze

– Marinirano voće
– Panna cotta – Čokolada i mandarine
– Muss bela čokolada
– Tiramisu Ljuti čokoladni kolač
– Sacher kriške Jabuka i oraha raspasti

Cene dočeka su od 50e – 150e po osobi zavisno od pozicije stola u samoj sali i uključuju elegantno mesto za sedenje, svečanu večeru i koktel dobrodošlice.
Separei se prodaju u paketima, cena paketa je 1500 eur i 1700 eur i uključuje rezervaciju separea i 10 karata, svaka karta preko se doplaćuje 50 eur (pogledati mapu).New Year’s Eve 2018 – Hotel Hyatt (Hyatt)!
Traditionally the most elegant and glamorous welcome is Milentija Popovica Street 5, in the unbeatable Hotel Hyatt Regency in Belgrade!

The most beautiful Crystal Hall is waiting for you, there are no dilemmas, the maps are ready, the prices are formed, hurry up choose your place, because 31. December  is close.

We want you from the heart to spend the best possible eve and be at the right place with selected company in the wild night!

A festive New Year’s  dinner will be organized as Swedish table created by the world class culinary team of the Hyatt Regency Belgrade Hotel will make you a special pleasure and will not leave you indifferent. We also hosted a welcoming cocktail in the lobby.

The hall is specially decorated, equipped and illuminated for a New Year’s Eve in the Crystal Hall.

We are proud and pleased to invite you to join us on December 31, on the most glamorous welcome of the new 2018 with the beginning of 10 pm in the Crystal Hall of the Hyatt Regency Belgrade Hotel in the company of the closest ones. In the hope that we will justify all your expectations and gain your trust this and the following years, we look forward to the recent meeting and we welcome you.

The most beautiful Crystal Hall is waiting for you, and it is one of our biggest music groups, which will make sure that 2018 is remembered: a group of Ministers during New Years eve  2018 will perform at the Hyatt Regency Hotel

Buffet Menu
– Dried tomatoes with cream cheese
– Spinach rolls with vegetables and cheese
– A smoked duck Brie – a on a French baget
– Pesto – artichoke and pekorino bakery
– Beef roast and onion compote / Rokuette Spinach roll with cheese and ham
– Selection of local cheeses and cold cuts with walnuts, dried fruit, lavosh and bread

– Greek salad
– Tarana Pasta salad
– Coleslav salad
– Mixed vegetables
– Tomato – mozzarella salad

– Traditional veal soup
– Mixed barbecue pork, sausage, beef, loin
– Grilled chicken with cream sauce
– Roasted catfish with tomato – caper
– Fried potatoes with herbs
– Cooke vegetables
– Pasta Arabiata
– Pasta Bolognese

– Marinated fruit
– Panna cotta – Chocolate and mandarin
– Muss a white chocolate
– Tiramisu Shut the chocolate cake
– Sacher slices Apple and walnut split

The price
The prices of event are from 50e – 150e per person depending on the position of the table in the hall itself and include an elegant seating area, a gala dinner and a welcome cocktail.
Booths are sold in packages, the price of the package is 1500 eur and 1700 eur and includes a reservation of booth and 10 tickets, each card over 50 euros.


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