Tradicionalni solistički koncert legende naše narodne muzike.
Miroslav Ilić čija popularnost među poklonicima narodne muzike na ovim prostorima ni najmanje nije izbledela, održaće i ove godine tradicionalni decembarski koncert za beogradsku publiku koji će predstavlјati retrospektivu njegovog rada i karijere na scenama širom regiona i prostora gde se uvažava kvalitet pravog narodnog melosa. Opstajući na sceni svih ovih godina, njegovi hitovi i način interpretacije, daju mu za pravo da već godinama unazad, mesec decembar bude period kojim se narodni melos raspoznaje po njegovom koncertu.
Jer suvišno je govoriti na koga se misli, kada se kaže “Slavuj iz Mrčajevaca”.
Traditional solo concert of the legend of our folk music.
Miroslav Ilic, whose popularity among the folk music fans in this region has not least faded, will also hold a traditional December concert for the Belgrade audience that will represent a retrospective of his work and career on scenes throughout the region and the area where the quality of the true folk melos is respected. Having survived on the stage of all these years, his hits and the way of interpretation, he gives him the right that for years to come, the month of December is the period in which the folk melos is identified by his concert.
Because it is superfluous to speak of who is meant, when it is said „Glorify from Mrcajevci“.