Udobno se smestite, uzmite pića i svim svojim čulima oživite Sinatru, Jessicu Rabbit, Cher, Roxy i mnoge druge zavodljive i raspevane mjuzikl zvezde.
Obožavate pesme iz mjuzikla?
Stopala vam zaigraju na „All that jazz“, „Summer nights“ ili „Welcome to Cabaret“?
U Poletu poslušajte sve omiljene mjuzikl hitove u pevačkoj izvedbi
odraslih đaka Škole mjuzikla Eudven
Dopustite da vam laskaju uski korseti, visoke štikle, leptir mašne i talenat amaterskih pevača iz Škole mjuzikla Eudven.
Rezervišite svoja mesta na vreme, putem telefona 0691302511.
Cena karte je 150RSD.
Jedva čekamo da vas vidimo 🙂
Welcome to Flight!
Get comfortable, take drinks and revive Sinatra, Jessica Rabbit, Cher, Roxy and many other seductive and chattered musical stars with all your senses.
Do you love songs from a musical?
Do your feet play on „All That Jazz“, „Summer Nights“ or „Welcome to Cabaret“?
Listen to all the favorite musical hits in the singing performance in Flight
adult pupils of Euden musical school
Let the narrow corsets, high-heeled, butterfly bowls and the talent of amateur singers from the Musical School Euden lie to you.
Book your places on time, by phone 0691302511.
The price of the ticket is 150USD.
We can not wait to see you 🙂