Psihodelični rokenrol je žanr koji oko deceniju i kusur dominira na nezavisnoj sceni. Neki od modernih predstavnika sada su predvodnici i pune najveće koncertne prostore širom planete (Ty Segall, Oh Sees, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard), dok ogroman broj drugih još uvek čeka na „svoje mesto pod suncem“.
Jedan od najtalentovanijih mlađih sastava žanra su i The Moonwalks iz Detroita i sa radom su počeli 2014. Do sada su objavili jedan EP, par singlova i jedan album, a krajem januara 2018. izlazi i drugi LP za Stolen Body Records (King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, Dan Melchior, Al Lover…). Bend je uglavnom sarađivao sa Jimom Diamondom, legendarnim detroitskim producentom zaduženim za prepoznatljivi zvuk bendova poput The White Stripes, The Dirtbombs, James Leg, The Sonics i nema sumnje da je Diamond pomogao da se za ovaj mladi sastav čuje i van Detroita. Ostalo su učinile njihove sjajne pesme u kojima osim psihodeličnih gitara, pulsirajućeg fuziranog basa i tribalnog ritma bubnjeva možete otkriti i deliće folk muzike, ali i žanrova srodnih psihodeličnom roku kao što su shoegaze i dream-pop. The Moonwalks umeju da se poigraju žanrovima i da od finalnog proizvoda naprave pitku rok ili pop pesmu začinjenu sjajnim gitarskim radom šefa grupe Jacoba Deana (pravo ime Jacob Bielaczyc).
Trio u kojem su dve devojke zadužene za ritam (Kerrigan Pearce – bubnjevi + Kate Gutwald – bas),a jedan mladić za vokale i gitare (Jacob Bielaczyc) krajem januara započinje svoju drugu evropsku turneju. Tokom prošle posetili su mahom države Evropske Unije, ali ovaj put stižu i na Balkan.
Beogradski koncert biće u nedelju, 28. januara @ KC Grad. Celi događaj biće pod nazivom Psihorama, a sa The Moonwalks sviraće i domaći trio Dogs In Kavala.
Ulaznice su u pretprodaji na šanku KC Grada i u pabu Brod (29. novembra 36): do kraja decembra 500 din, od 1. januara 700 din i na dan koncerta 1000 din.
One of the most talented younger genres of the genre is The Moonwalks of Detroit, and they started to work in 2014. So far they have released one EP, a couple singles and one album, and in late January 2018 another LP for Stolen Body Records (King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, Dan Melchior, Al Lover …). The band mostly collaborated with Jim Diamond, the legendary Detroit producer responsible for the recognizable sound of bands like The White Stripes, The Dirtbombs, James Leg, The Sonics, and there is no doubt that Diamond helped to hear this young band outside Detroit. Others have done their great songs in which apart from psychedelic guitars, pulsating fused bass and tribal rhythms of drums, you can discover pieces of folk music, as well as genres related to psychedelic rock like shoegaz and dream-pop. The Moonwalks are able to play the genres and make the final product a pot-rock or pop song sparkling with the brilliant guitar work of the head of the group, Jacoba Dean (real name Jacob Bielaczyc).
A trio featuring two girls in charge of the rhythm (Kerrigan Pearce – drums + Kate Gutwald – bass), and one young man for vocals and guitars (Jacob Bielaczyc) starts his second European tour at the end of January. During the past, they visited the state of the European Union, but this time they come to the Balkans.
The Belgrade concert will be on Sunday, January 28 @ KC Grad. The whole event will be called Psycho, and the Moonwalks will also play the domestic trio Dogs In Kavala.
Tickets are pre-sold at the bar of KC Grad and in pub Brod (November 29th 36): by the end of December 500 dinars, from January 1 700 dinars and on the day of the concert 1000 din.