Poštovani prijatelji, sa ponosom vam predstavljamo najavu za TRADICIONALNI ANTIEVROVIZIJSKI KONCERT 2018. Borbu za pravdu, a Boga mi i istinu, protiv evrovizijskog demona, PONOVO organizujemo u srcu Beograda, na KALEMEGDANU, tačnije u Barutani (Donji grad). Branimo čast na istom mestu gde su to činili i naši preci.
Lokacija koncerta: Barutana (Kalemegdan, Donji grad bb). NAPOMENA! U slučaju kiše i nevremena, koncert se premešta u Hangar (Knezopoljska 3).
Gosti: Bolesna Štenad i SMF – Official + gosti iznenađenja.
Karta: 600 DIN u pretprodaji, 800 DIN na dan koncerta.
– Prodajna mesta:
GIGSTIX (http://goo.gl/fu0bzM);
EVENTIM (https://goo.gl/06QqJ3);
FELIX (T.C. Sremska bb, Beograd)
Evo i nekoliko korisnih internet adresa za prijatelje koji će doći na koncert iz drugih zemalja i gradova:
Železnice Srbije – http://goo.gl/Zr4jB
Autobuske stanice – http://goo.gl/WNGMfR
Hosteli u Beogradu – http://goo.gl/w1jdDW
Dear Friends, We are proud to announce the announcement for the TRADITIONAL ANTI-VICTIMIAN CONCERT 2018. The fight for justice, and to God and the truth, against the evolution demon, we are being organized in the heart of Belgrade, in KALEMEGDAN, more precisely in Barutani (Lower Town). We are honoring the same place where our ancestors did.
Location of the concert: Barutana (Kalemegdan, Donji grad bb). REMARK! In the case of rain and storms, the concert moves to the Hangar (Knezopoljska 3).
Guests: Bravena Štenad and SMF – Official + surprise guests.
Map: 600 DIN in pre-sale, 800 DIN at the concert day.
– Sales locations:
GIGSTIX (http://goo.gl/fu0bzM);
EVENT (https://goo.gl/06QqJ3);
FELIX (T.C. Sremska bb, Belgrade)
Here are some useful internet addresses for friends who will come to a concert from other countries and cities:
Serbian Railways – http://goo.gl/Zr4jB
Bus Stations – http://goo.gl/WNGMfR
Hostels in Belgrade – http://goo.gl/w1jdDW