Nakon nastupa pred više od 200 miliona gledalaca u više od 50 zemalјa sveta, Moskovski cirkus na ledu u okviru nove evropske turneje prvi put gostuje u Republici Srbiji. Program prilagođen izvođenju na ledu, ali sa svim elementima akrobatike i pratećih sadržaja koji i čine jedan cirkus izvodi se uz spektakularne svetlosne efekte koji doprinose magiji, u koju svoji nastupom uvode i gledaoce.
Nastao 1964.godine kao prvi prvi spektakl te vrste, Moskovski cirkus na ledu i danas primenjuje zlatne standarde potrebne za spektakularno izvođenje predstava ovakve vrste. Pored parterskog izvođenja tačaka, klovnova i akrobatike, gledaocima će biti prikazane i tačke na trapezu, a sve spojeno sa akrobatikom na klizalјkama.
Program za sve generacije, u kojem će pored dece uživati i njihovi roditelјi, tokom proteklih godina je postao spektakularna svetska atrakcija koja doprinosi zabavi publike i puni dvorane širom sveta.
After performing more than 200 million viewers in more than 50 countries of the world, the Moscow Circus on Ice within the new European tour first hosts the Republic of Serbia. The program adapted to the performance on ice, but with all the elements of acrobatics and the accompanying contents that make up a circus is performed with spectacular light effects that contribute to magic, in which their performance is introduced by spectators.
Founded in 1964 as the first first spectacle of its kind, the Moscow Circus on Ice still applies the golden standards required for the spectacular performance of performances of this kind. In addition to the part-time performance of the dances, clowns and acrobatics, the spectators will also see trapezoidal points, all connected with acrobatics on skates.
The program for all generations, which will be enjoyed by their parents, in the past few years, has become a spectacular world attraction that contributes to the fun of the audience and full halls around the world.
Ticket prices: 1800, 2200, 2600 and 3000 dinars