Mother's Cake (AT) 10.04.2018. Atom Akademija

Mother's Cake (AT)  10.04.2018. Atom Akademija
Cara Dušana 13, Beograd

Sirovi i energični trio Mother’s Cake koji je pažnju na sebe skrenuo nastupima ispred velikana muzičke scene AC/DC, Iggy Pop, Deftones, Wolfmother, Anathema, Pentagram i Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group nastupiće 10. aprila 2018. godine u klubu Atom Akademija (Cara Dušana 13) u organizaciji koncertne agencije sa početkom u 21 čas.

Ulaznice se mogu kupiti po promotivnoj ceni od 500 dinara (ograničen kontigent ulaznica dok se ne prodaju ili do 12. marta) na prodajnim mestima Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX-a, DD Tickets-a, kafeu Zbornica (Skender Begova 53b), FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, (II sprat, radno vreme: 12 – 20h), kao i u klubu Atom Akademija. Kada se rasprodaju promotivne ulaznice, regularna pretprodajna cena do dana koncerta iznosiće 600 dinara, a na sam dan za ulaznicu je potrebno izdvojiti 700 dinara.

Mother’s Cake je austrijski psych/prog bend osnovan 2008. godine u malom mestu u tirolskim Alpima. Na njihov muzički izražaj najviše su uticali izvođači kao što su Mars Volta, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Led Zeppelin i Bootsy Collins.

Godine 2010. pobedili su na Local Heros takmičenju demo bendova u Austriji, što im je donelo mogućnost nastupa na završnom takmičenju u Mađarskoj gde su učestvovali mnogi evropski bendovi na kojem je sastav Mother’s Cake osvojio drugo mesto.

„Soul Prison“:

Debitantski album “Creation’s Finest” objavili su 2012. godine, a godinu dana kasnije dobili su “Best Newcomer Award” u Austriji. Tri godine kasnije usledila je nova ploča “Love The Filth”, a između ova dva studijska izdanja, 2014. su predstavili live album “Off The Beaten Track”. Upoređujući ih sa bendovima kao što su Mars Volta, Jane’s Addiction i Led Zeppelin, ove ploče su utemeljile put onome što predstavlja njihovo najbolje izdanje u karijeri “No Rhyme No Reason”.


Najrecentnije izdanje benda “No Rhyme No Reason” objavljeno je krajem januara prošle godine. U pitanju je njihov treći album, koji je sniman u Beat4Feet i Tiny Can studijima u Beču, a pored članova benda za produkciju je bio zadužen David Furrer. Pesme na ploči, kao što su prvi singl “The Killer”, “The Sun” i početna “No Rhyme Or Reason” instantno stvaraju efekat eksplozivnom kombinacijom psihodeličnog, indi i bluz roka, dok neke druge numere poput “Streetja Man”, “Enemy” i “H8” pogađaju u centar miksujući pshilodelični, progresivni i space rok u upečatljivu zvučnu paletu.

„Obey the Machine“:

Mother’s Cake su se, takođe, etablirali kao fenomenalna koncertna atrakcija. Njihove solo turneje po Austriji, Švajcarskoj i Nemačkoj, kao i koncerti na kojima su se pojavljivali kao predgrupe bendovima kao što su AC/DC, Iggy Pop, Deftones, Wolfmother, Anathema, Pentagram i Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group, mnoge su uverili u sirovu i ogromnu energiju koju trio poseduje, a koju su uspeli da prenesu na publiku na jednom kolektivnom nivou.

„The Ecstasy“:

Trio čine glavni vokal i gitarista Iv Krizmer (Yves Krismer), basista Benedikt Trenkvalder (Benedikt Trenkwalder) i bubnjar Jan Haussels. rave and energetic trio of Mother’s Cake, which focused on themselves in concerts in front of the gigantic musical scene AC / DC, Iggy Pop, Deftones, Wolfmother, Anathema, Pentagram and Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group will perform on April 10, 2018 at the Atom Academy (Cara Dušana 13), organized by the concert agency starting at 9 pm

Tickets can be purchased at a promotional price of 500 dinars (limited ticket containers until they are sold or until March 12th) at Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX, DD Tickets, cafe Zbornica (Skender Begova 53b), FELIX Shop , TC Sremska, (2nd floor, opening hours: 12 – 20h), as well as at the Atom Academy. When selling promotional tickets, the regular pre-sale price will be 600 dinars per day, and 700 dinars should be allocated per day for the ticket.

Mother’s Cake is an Austrian psych / prog band founded in 2008 in a small town in the Tyrolean Alps. Their musical expression was largely influenced by performers such as Mars Volta, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Led Zeppelin and Bootsy Collins.

In 2010 they won the Local Heros competition of demo bands in Austria, which gave them the opportunity to perform at the final competition in Hungary where many European bands with Mother’s Cake won the second place.

„Soul Prison“:

The debut album „Creation’s Finest“ was released in 2012, and a year later they received the „Best Newcomer Award“ in Austria. Three years later, a new record „Love The Filth“ followed, and between these two studio releases, 2014, they released a live album „Off The Beaten Track“. Comparing them with bands such as Mars Volta, Jane’s Addiction and Led Zeppelin, these charters have laid the foundation for what is their best career release „No Rhyme No Reason“.


The most recent release of the band „No Rhyme No Reason“ was released at the end of January last year. It is their third album, which was filmed in Beat4Feet and Tiny Can studios in Vienna, and besides members of the production team, David Furrer was in charge. The songs on the panel, such as the first single „The Killer“, „The Sun“ and the original „No Rhyme Or Reason“ instantly create an effect with an explosive combination of psychedelic, indie and blues, while some other tracks like „Street Man,“ „Enemy „And“ H8 „hit the center by mixing pshilodelical, progressive and space rock in a striking sound palette.

„Obey the Machine“:

Mother’s Cake was also established as a phenomenal concert attraction. Their solo tour of Austria, Switzerland and Germany, as well as concerts that featured themselves as pre-gigs to bands such as AC / DC, Iggy Pop, Deftones, Wolfmother, Anathema, Pentagram and Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group, many convinced them in raw and the enormous energy the trio possesses, which they managed to transmit to the audience at a single collective level.

„The Ecstasy“:

The trio is composed by lead vocal and guitarist Yves Krismer, bassist Benedikt Trenkwalder and drummer Jan Haussels.


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