Druga nedelja italijanske kuhinje u svetu
Dragi prijatelji,
Manifestacija „Nedelja italijanske kuhinje u svetu“ obeležava se od 20. do 26. novembra u više od 1.000 gradova sveta, a mi Vas pozivamo u restoran Campo de fiori, ovu manifestaciju u Srbiji organizuje Ambasada Italije u Beogradu, u saradnji sa Komorom italijansko-srpskih privrednika, Italijanskom agencijom za spoljnu trgovinu.
Za ovaj događaj su obavezne rezervacije na tel:011 3242 940
Srdačno vaš,
Campo de fiori
Skadarska 11The second week of Italian cuisine in the world
Dear friends,
The event „The Sunday of Italian Cuisine in the World“ is celebrated from 20th to 26th November in more than 1,000 cities of the world, and we invite you to the Campo de fiori restaurant, this event in Serbia organizes the Italian Embassy in Belgrade in cooperation with the Chamber of Italian- Serbian businessmen, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency.
For this event are required reservations at tel: 011 3242 940
Sincerely yours,
Field of flowers
Skadarska 11