Performans “Nepreporučeno“ je nastao sakupljanjem informacija iz četova. Bavi se temama zavođenja, i potrebama za razmenjivanjem nežnosti u virtuelnom svetu. Nesporazumi ili sporazumi, bežanje od realnosti, uživanje u nepostojećem, ljubav, strast, neke su od ključnih tema ovog događaja. Ovo je novi rad koji će performerka, koja je već jednom gostovala u našem baru, razviti još više u razmeni sa publikom.
**info o izvođaču**
Nataša Milojević (1982) ,performerka iz Beograda, članica UBUS-a i Bazaatra. U svom umetničkom radu ispituje odnose među ljudima, osećanja, navike i potrebe. Sarađivala je sa brojnim domaćim i inostranim umetnicima. Završila biologiju i baletsku školu, a trenutno je na specijalističkim studijama dramske pedagogije u Zagrebu.
**info o događaju**
organizuju Džezva i Sofija Živković
ulaz slobodan
trajanje 60 minuta
Cara Uroša 19, Džezva
21.11. 18hPerformance “ Not Reviewed ‘‘ is generated by gathering information from the four. He deals with the topics of seduction, and the need for exchanging unfaithfulness in the virtual world. Misunderstanding or agreement, letting go of reality, enjoying non-existent, love, passion, are some of the key topics of this event. This is a new work that the performer, who has once been present at our bar, is developing even more with the audience.
** artist info **
Nataša Milojević (1982), performer from Belgrade, member of UBUS and Bazaar. In his artistic work he examines relationships among people, feelings, habits and needs. She has collaborated with numerous domestic and foreign artists. She completed biology and ballet school and is currently in the specialist studies of drama pedagogy in Zagreb.
** event info **
organized by Dzezva and Sofija Živković
free entrance
Duration 60 minutes
Cara Uroša 19, Džezva
21:11. 06 pm
Nepreporučeno 21.11.2017. Dzezva

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