Projekcija na zidu: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season 1 (1987)
Kornjače-tinejdžeri stvorene mutogenom hemikalijom, čovek-pacov majstor borilačkih veština, sexy reporterka sa Kanala 6, zlikovac pod limenom maskom, mozak koji govori iz dimenzije X… Sećate se njih? Zbog njih smo svi zgotivili pizze.
Gledaćemo prvi serijal prve stare animirane serije iz 1987. godine.
Utorak od 18h Bife VentilWall Projection: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 1 (1987)
Teenagers created by a mutogenous chemistry, a man-pac master of martial arts, a sexy reporter from Channel 6, a juggler under a canvas mask, a brain that speaks from the X dimension … Are you wandering about them? Because of them we all popped pizzas.
We are watching the first series of the first old animated series from 1987.
Tuesday from 06 pm Bife Ventil