Dame i Gospodo,
Stiže FRKA zbog koje leptirići u stomaku imaju leptiriće u stomaku! Zagrebački elektro-pop duo Vas poziva na nestrpljivo očekivani beogradski nastup
u sredu 14.02. Štrafta, ulaz od 21h (koncert počinje oko 22h):
+++ afterparty od 00h do 04h ( *Ufur free ) +++
DJ Nebojša Intruder + DJ Bole Ammonite / aka. Navigatorz DJ team
Ovaj dupli program: koncert koji se ne propušta + žurka koja sledi omah nakon koncerta, desiće se u noći koju ovdašnja publika uvek iskusno koristi kao povod za najluđi izlazak i provod: Dan Zaljubljenih / sreda 14. februar (pogotovu imajući u vidu da je 15.02. neradni dan).
I to gde? – novi prestonički klub o kome se iz vikenda u vikend sve više priča: ★ klub Štrafta ★ Admirala Geprata 14. Odličan prostor sa jedinstvenim enterijerom – estetika 80ih interpretirana na moderan i originalan način, pomnožena sa odličnom rasvetom, zvukom, itd.
Maskirani dvojac slobodno može 2017. godinu proglasiti svojom. Fantastična obrada davnog hita Zdenke Kovačiček “Frka” jedan je od najuspješnijih songova sezone zahvaljujući kojem su našli put do radijskog etera, kako onog mainstream tako i alternativnog, ali i do brojnih klubova i festivala po regiji. Jedan od popratnih efekata “Frke” je, svakako i vraćanje njihovih prethodnih singlova u fokus publike. Počevši od debitantskih “Sutra” i “Broj”, preko “Bolji” i “Ne volim te” pa do sjajnog “Balkan Expressa”. Nipplepeople su pažljivo birali čemu će se posvetiti i pritom nisu napravili nijedan pogrešan korak. Tako je i izbor Štrafte za mesto njihovog Beogradskog nastupa prava stvar, jer mesto odiše duhom i estetikom osamdesetih na koje se Nipplepeople i te kako oslanjaju u svom stvaralaštvu, pa će audio vizuelna komponenta ovog nastupa biti u potpunosti zadovoljena.
Ovo veče će upotpuniti nastup dva velika gospodina i majstora kvalitetne alternativne zabave: Navigatorz DJ duo a ulaz posle ponoći kada žurka počinje je besplatan, uz garderobu od 100din.
Prva pretprodajna cena ulaznica je
☛ 600 dinara
Karte možete kupiti u Felix Shopu, TC Sremska, prvi sprat / ili u klubu Štrafta u toku nekih od programskih večeri.
Požurite po svoje ulaznice jer je broj mesta je strogo organičen! Redovna cena će biti 800 dinara.
*** Napomena, ulaz u klub od 00h, posle nastupa Nipplepeople kada mix pult preuzimaju Navigatorz DJ tim, je besplatan!***Ladies and gentlemen,
FRAK arrives because of which butterflies in the stomach have butterflies in the stomach! The Zagreb electro-pop duo invites you to an impatiently anticipated Belgrade performance
on Wednesday 14.02. Štrafta, entrance from 21h (the concert starts at around 22h):
+++ afterparty from 00h to 04h (* Ufur free) +++
DJ Nebojša Intruder + DJ Bole Ammonite / aka. Navigatorz DJ team
This double program: a concert that can not be missed + a party that follows the omay after the concert, will happen in the night that the audience here is always experienced as a cause for the craziest coming out and spending: Valentine’s Day / Wednesday, February 14th (especially given that 15.02 . non-working day).
And where? – a new club in the capital that is more and more talked about every weekend: ★ Club Strass ★ Admiral Geprata 14. Excellent space with a unique interior – aesthetics of the 80s interpreted in a modern and original way, multiplied by excellent lighting, sound, etc.
The masked duo can freely declare 2017 as his own. Fantastic processing of the hit hit Zdenka Kovačiček „Frka“ is one of the most successful songs of the season thanks to which they found the way to the radio ether, both the mainstream and the alternative, but also to numerous clubs and festivals around the region. One of the side effects of „Frke“ is, of course, the return of their previous singles to the audience’s focus. Beginning with debutant „Tomorrow“ and „Number“, through „Better“ and „I do not love you“ to the brilliant „Balkan Express“. Nipplepeople carefully selected what they dedicate and did not make any wrong steps. Thus, the choice of Strafe for the place of their performance in Belgrade is a real thing, because the place is reflected in the spirit and aesthetics of the eighties on which Nipplepeople and you rely on in their creation, so the audio visual component of this performance will be fully satisfied.
This evening will complement the performance of two great gentlemen and masters of quality alternative entertainment: Navigatorz DJ duo and the entrance after midnight when the party starts is free, with a 100-dollar wardrobe.
The first ticket price is
☛ 600 dinars
You can buy tickets at Felix Shop, TC Sremska, first floor / or at the Strass Club during some of the program evenings.
Hurry up on your tickets because the number of places is strictly organic! The regular price will be 800 dinars.
*** Note, entrance to the club from 00h, after Nipplepeople performs when the mix desk is downloaded by the Navigator DJ DJ, it’s free! ***