U sredu, 6.decembra u 19.30h u Polet, dva dana pred rođendan Džima Morisona, biće održano veče posvećeno pevaču kultne grupe The Doors, legendarnom američkom muzičaru, piscu i pesniku.
Beogradski umetnici odaće mu, kroz muziku i poeziju, svojevrsni omaž, a o njegovom životu i stvaralaštvu govoriće Zoran Paunović, profesor engleske književnosti, esejista i prevodilac, autor brojnih članaka i ogleda iz oblasti engleske, američke i irske književnosti i popularne kulture.
Do današnjih dana, Džim Morison je široko poštovan kao najharizmatičniji pevač u istoriji rok muzike, grub, privlačan i misteriozan, a kožne pantalone kojima je bio privržen na sceni i van nje, postale su stereotip garderobe rok zvezde. Takođe, on je autor i nekoliko knjiga pesama, kratkih dokumentarnih filmova i ranih muzičkih spotova koji su obeležili odrastanje omladine širom sveta. Morisonova smrt u 27. godini zaprepastila je njegove obožavaoce, a okolnosti pod kojima je do nje došlo i organizacija tajne sahrane, bile su i ostale predmet stalnih glasina i doprineli stvaranju misterije decenijama nakon što je otišao sa životne scene.On Wednesday, December 6 at 7.30 pm in Polet, two days before Jim Morrison’s birthday, an evening will be dedicated to the singer of The Doors, a legendary American musician, writer and poet.
Zoran Paunovic, professor of English literature, essayist and translator, author of numerous articles and reviews in the field of English, American and Irish literature and popular culture, will speak to him in Belgrade, through music and poetry, a kind of homage to his life and creativity.
To date, Jim Morrison is widely respected as the most charismatic singer in the history of rock music, rude, appealing and mysterious, and leather trousers to which he was attached to and outside the scene became the stereotype of the rock star’s clothing. He is also the author of several books of poems, short documentaries and early music videos that marked the growing of youth around the world. Morrison’s death at age 27 was astonishing to his fans, and the circumstances under which she had come and the organization of a secret funeral were still the subject of constant rumors and contributed to the creation of a mystery for decades after he left the scene of life.