Norveška šuma je bend iz Novog Sada, osnovan jeseni 2013. godine. Članovi benda sarađivali su zajedno u nekoliko različitih postava, te je bend logičan nastavak te saradnje, sa željom da se okuša u domenu autorskog stvaralaštva. Norveška šuma svira melodični alternativni rok, sa uplivima drugih stilova. U tekstovima se bave emotivnim stanjem pojedinca sa osvrtom na socijalni momenat društva u kojem živimo.
Bend Sputñik je stari-novi bend. Originalno je nastao 1999. u Sremskoj Mitrovici i snimio par demoa, da bi se raspao početkom 2002. godine. Novu inkarnaciju je doživeo kada je pevač Žikica Milošević došao na ideju da u Novom Sadu okupi ekipu koja će starim pesmama dati novo ruho, ali i dodati nove pesme, nastale u međuvremenu. Muzički uticaji su čitav niz bendova od new wave, elektronike do indie-pop zvukova. Definišu svoj stil kao „elektro-rok“. Članovi benda su: Žikica Milošević (vokal), Kiril Bojko (ritam mašina, gitara), Vladimir Čudinov (a.k.a. Vovka, Airkid, Pixelboy, gitara) i Viktor Vinaji (bas). Bend peva na engleskom, a prvi EP „In Between Worlds“ izašao je u januaru 2016. sa pet pesama. Tokom januara 2018. očekuje se izlazak albuma „A Memory of Fire“ sa 13 pesama za Take It Or Leave It Records.
Karte za ovaj koncert koštaće 250 dinara. Kupovinom karata za svirke u CK13 podržavate bendove i nezavisnu muzičku scenu.The Norwegian Forest is a band from Novi Sad, founded in autumn 2013. The members of the band collaborated in several different sets, and the band is a logical continuation of this collaboration, with the desire to experience it in the domain of author creation. Norwegian forest plays a melodic alternative rock, with the influences of other styles. The texts deal with the emotional state of the individual with a view of the social moment of the society in which we live.
Bend Sputnick is an old new band. It originally originated in Sremska Mitrovica in 1999 and recorded a couple of demos, to be dissolved at the beginning of 2002. The new incarnation was experienced when the singer Žikica Milošević came to the idea of assembling a team in Novi Sad that will give old songs new clothes, but also add new songs that were created in the meantime. Music influences are a whole series of bands from new wave, electronics to indie-pop sounds. They define their style as „electro-rock“. Members of the band are: Žikica Milošević (vocal), Kiril Boyko (rhythm of machines, guitar), Vladimir Čudinov (aka Vovka, Airkid, Pixelboy, guitar) and Viktor Vinaji (bass). The band sang in English, and the first EP „In Between Worlds“ came out in January 2016 with five songs. In January 2018, A Memory of Fire is expected to be released with 13 songs for Take It Or Leave It Records.
The tickets for this concert will cost 250 dinars. By purchasing tickets for gigs in CK13, you support bands and an independent music scene.