Verujemo da je u vremenu kada se brzo živi, kada zaboravljamo jedni na druge a vrlo često i na sebe, potrebno da pokažemo da među nama postoje ljudi koji su spremni da dele svoje znanje, veštine i iskustvo, a sve sa idejom da poboljšamo kvalitet života, a samim tim i kvalitet života društva koje nas okružuje.
I zato već drugu godinu zaredom, organizujemo Novogodišnju čajanku u srcu Beograda sa idejom da spojimo umetnost i duhovnost na jedan poseban način, uz biljne mešavine Delfi Elena i konsultacije po drevnom učenju.
Pored čajeva, imaćete prirliku da probate i osetite na svojoj koži, prirodni eliksir za mladost, zdravlje i lepotu, Oriša ručno pravljenu 100% prirodnu kozmetiku za negu kože, na bazi biljnih i eteričnih ulja.
Za sve naše goste pripremili smo ekskluzivne Adonis čajne filter kašičice, koje će obogatiti trenutke druženja, svojim jedinstvenim aromama koje bude sva čula
(brusnica, hibiskus, kamilica sa medom, rtanjski čaj sa nanom, šumsko voće, višnja sa vanilom, zeleni čaj sa limunom i djumbirom)
MILAN NIKOLIĆ IZANO, pisac i poeta, autor je knjiga: „Lanac Ljubavi“, „U dahu izdaha“, „Vinčanska Kabala u lancu ljubavi“, „Dnevnik duše“, dvoazbučne knjige „Lanac ljubavi“ i najnovije knjige „Žig vrelih usana“. Za njegove knjige kritičari nisu mogli da odrede žanr, tako da su ga proglasili piscem koji piše duhom.
Ono što Milan Nikolić Izano piše nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Njegove reči pokreću unutrašnja i spoljašnja osećanja, bude nešto uspavano u vama i vode vas do novog stupnja spoznaje i razvoja.
PEĐA FILIPOVIĆ, glumac, Wellness ambasador Srbije, osnivač škole masaže „Professional“.
Peđa Filipović je pre svega umetnik. Autentičan i svoj. Veliki ljubitelj poezije i lepe reči. Najpoznatiji učitelj masaže na Balkanu. Kroz široki osmeh, ovaj svestran, radoznao i obrazovan čovek, kaže da živi za ljubav.
Često citira stihove „Besmrtne pesme“ Mike Antića:
„I živi! Sasvim živi! Ne grickaj kao miš dane. Široko žvaći vazduh.
Prestiži vetar i ptice. Jer svaka večnost je kratka.“
Svaki njegov put, kojim god da krene, vodi u središte duše.
JASNA DJOKIĆ, vokalna solistkinja RTS-a i Radio Beograda, diplomirala na Akademiji muzičke umetnosti (klasična muzika i solo pevanje) i po struci profesor muzike.
Jasna će u toku večeri otpevati nekoliko najpoznatijih domaćih i stranih evergreen hitova. Pratiće je Dušan Radoičič, pijanista i dipl.čelista, član narodnog orkestra Vlade Panović.
MILKA RAIČEVIĆ, dipl. nutricionista i aromaterapeut. Osnivač Udruženja „Svi na vagu“. Radi u DZ Palilula.
Milka Raičević je pre svega prijatelj, veliki profesionalac i osoba koja kroz ishranu povezuje aspekte fizičkog sa duhovnim rastom. Ona kaže da bez adekvatne ishrane i brige o svom telu, a samim tim i zdravlju, ne može se ni duhovno napredovati, jer je telo dom u kome stanuje duša – Mens sana in corpore sano.
Program vodi VIOLETA DIMITRIĆ, novinar i autor emisije „Ni crno, ni belo“, na TV KCN.
~ A kako je decembar mesec pun IZNENADJENJA, imaćemo i poklone za goste koji budu imali najviše sreće~
Cena ulaznice: 200 din.
Cafe Press
Broj mesta je ograničen!
tel: 064/255-94-90 Tatjana
tel: 065/50-50-520 Jelena
DOBRO NAM DOŠLI!We believe that in the time when he is living fast, when we forget about each other and very often, we need to show that among us there are people who are willing to share their knowledge, skills and experience, all with the idea of improving the quality of life , and therefore the quality of life of the society that surrounds us.
Therefore, for the second year in a row, we organize the New Year’s Tea Party in the heart of Belgrade with the idea of combining art and spirituality in a special way, along with herbal mixes of Delphi Elena and consultation of ancient learning.
In addition to teas, you will have a necklace to taste and feel on your skin, a natural elixir for youth, health and beauty, Orish handmade 100% natural cosmetics for skin care, based on herbal and essential oils.
For all our guests, we have prepared an exclusive Adonis Tea Filter Scoop, which will enrich the moments of socializing, its unique aromas to be all heard
(cranberry, hibiscus, chamomile with honey, rtanj tea with nano, forest fruit, cherry with vanilla, green tea with lemon and ginger)
MILAN NIKOLIC IZANO, writer and poet, author of the book: „The Chain of Love,“ „In the breath of the devotees“, „Vinčanska Kabala in the chain of love“, „Dnevnik duše“, two-book „Chain of Love“ and the latest book “ . For his books, critics could not determine the genre, so they declared him a writer who writes a ghost.
What Milan Nikolic Izano writes to no one leaves indifferent. His words trigger inner and outer feelings, be somewhat drowsy in you and lead you to a new level of knowledge and development.
PEĐA FILIPOVIĆ, actor, Wellness Ambassador of Serbia, founder of Massage School „Professional“.
Peđa Filipović is primarily an artist. Authentic and your own. A great fan of poetry and beautiful words. The most famous massage teacher in the Balkans. Through a broad smile, this versatile, curious and educated man says he lives for love.
Often quotes the lyrics of „Immortal Songs“ Mike Antić:
„And it lives! It’s alive! Do not hiss like a mouse. It’s a lot of chewing air.
Prestire wind and birds. Because every eternity is short. “
Every one of his paths, whatever way he goes, leads to the center of the soul.
JASNA DJOKIC, vocal soloist of RTS and Radio Belgrade, graduated from the Academy of Music (classical music and solo singing) and professor of music.
Jasna will sing some of the most famous domestic and foreign evergreen hits during the evening. He will be accompanied by Dušan Radoičič, a pianist and bachelor, a member of the national orchestra Vlade Panović.
MILKA RAICEVIC, B.Sc. nutritionist and aromatherapist. Founder of the Association „Everyone on the scale“. He works in DZ Palilula.
Milka Raičević is above all a friend, a great professional and a person who combines aspects of physical with spiritual growth through diet. She says that without adequate nutrition and care of your body, and therefore health, it can not be spiritually progressed, as the body is the home in which the soul lives – Mens sana and corpore sano.
The program is headed by VIOLETA DIMITRIĆ, a journalist and author of the show „No Black, No White“, on TV KCN.
~ And as December is full of PURCHASE, we will also have gifts for the guests who will have the greatest happiness,
Ticket price: 200 din, Cafe Press
Number of places is limited!
tel: 064 / 255-94-90 Tatiana
tel: 065 / 50-50-520 Jelena