On Tour: koncertna promocija novog albuma
Na autobuskoj stanici kupujete kartu u jednom pravcu. Vraćate se kući? Odlazite na godišnji odmor? Na duže? Zauvek? Iskustva sa puta se mešaju sa prizorima detinjstva i mladosti. Stvara se unikatni amalgam iščekivanja i zapitanosti. Prošlost i budućnost se prepliću u plesu, gurajući sadašnjost na marginu. Mnogi se na putu izgube i zalutaju, izađu na usputnoj stanici ili benzinskoj pumpi i jednostavno ne nastave dalje.
Beogradski bend On Tour na koncertu 21. decembra u KC Gradu promoviše svoje treće studijsko izdanje “Don’t It Make You Want To Go Home” (Ammonite Records/Stone House Records). Album je trenutno moguće naći na raznim digitalnim platformama, dok će CD biti premijerno dostupan na koncertu. Vinilno izdanje albuma se očekuje za Record Store Day 2018. “Lorries and trucks” je prvi singl sa albuma, za koji je snimljen i fenomenalan spot. S obzirom da bend u decembru proslavlja I šesti rodjendan, na koncertu će biti moguće nabaviti I nove On Tour sitnice po promotivnim cenama. Uz On Tour, nastupiće I Željko Markuš iz satava Pacifik koji će u akustičnom aranžmanu izvesti svoje omiljene pesme.
Rokenrol je, ako ništa drugo, dugo putovanje kući. Novi On Tour album vas 21.12. u KC Gradu na sat i dobar kusur minuta vraća na mesto mira, sreće. To putovanje, jasno, ne vodi magistralom ili auto-putem, već sporednim drumom, punim krivina i rupa. Kroz manje ili više oronula i napuštena mesta, gde gas nije ni blizu daske, a menjač retko ide u četvrtu. Zato uvek možete lagano da zastanete i u vazduhu osetite miris koji ste možda davno zaboravili.
Cena karte iznosi 500 rsd, a uz nju dobijate na poklon i CD kako biste ovo muzičko putovanje mogli da nastavite kod kuće i posle koncerta.
You are buying a one-way ticket at the bus station. Are you heading home? On a vacation? Leaving indefinately? All the memories from your travels mixed and mashed with the images from your childhood, make this unique amalgam of anticipation and uncertainty. The past and the future are in this passionate dance that leaves almost no room for the presence. Many get lost or lose their way on this road, get out at some stop along the way or some gas station, and simply decide not to stay.
In less than a month, December 21, Belgrade based band On Tour will promote their third studio release “Don’t It Make You Want To Go Home” (Ammonite Records/Stone House Records). The album is already available on most digital platforms, while the first copies of the CD will appear at the concert venue. Vinyl print is expected on a Record Store Day 2018. The band has also shot a video for their first single “Lorries and trucks”, that will leads you into the magic world of 1900s photography. On Tour celebrate their sixth birthday this December and offer previous albums and some new items, at special prices!!
Event will start off with the performance of Željko Markuš, who will play some of Pacifik’s favorite songs.
Rock’n’roll is, if nothing else, a long journey home. On December 21, On Tour will, for an hour and a jiff, bring you back to a place warm and calm. This journey, of course, leaves the high-way behind and takes you down some back roads full of curves and bumps, through shabby forgotten towns, with your foot barely touching the gas paddle, and allow you to stop and breath in some familiar scent of a long forgotten place.
Ticket price is 500 rsd with the CD as a gift to you so that you proceed with the journey after the concert.