Herzlich Willkommen zu der Otello Vorstellung an der Staatsoper in Belgrad am 7.März 2018 um 19:00 Uhr. Der grandiose Tenor Zurab Zurabishvili in der Rolle des Otello vermittelt von der Künstleragentur Sandra Milankov.
Poznati tenor Zurab Zurabishvili peva glavnu ulogu u Verijevoj operi Otello 7.marta 2018 u 19:00 casova u Narodnom Pozoristu u Beogradu preko agenture Sandre Milankov. Dobro Dosli!
On March 7th the great tenor of my agency Zurab Zurabishvili will appear on the stage of the State Opera Belgrade as Otello. Welcome!Herzlich Willkommen zu der Otello Vorstellung an der Staatsoper in Belgrad am 7.March 2018 at 19:00 Uhr. Der Grandiose Tenor Zurab Zurabishvili and der Rolle des Otello vermittelt von der Künstleragentur Sandra Milankov.
The famous tenor Zurab Zurabishvili sings the lead role in Veria’s opera Otello March 7, 2018 at 7:00 pm in National Theater in Belgrade through the agent Sandra Milankov. Welcome!
On March 7th, the great tenor of my agency Zurab Zurabishvili will appear on the stage of the State Opera Belgrade as Otello. Welcome!