Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade Vam sa velikim zadovoljstvom predstavlja izložbu „Close Encounters“ (,,Bliski susreti’’)
istaknutog češkog fotografa divljine Petra Slavika, u lobiju hotela, ulica Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 15.
Petr Slavik će na svojoj prvoj izložbi u Beogradu predstaviti seriju fotografija najspektakularnijih prizora divljine pod nazivom Close Encounters (Bliski susreti).
Umetnik je kroz svoje višemesečne ekspedicije, često u ekstremnim vremenskim uslovima, uspevao da ovekoveči emocije i skriveni svet retkih životinjskih vrsta sa različitih kontinenata.
Beleženjem ovih fotografija, Petr želi da sa publikom podeli posebnu energiju koju oseća u prisustvu ovih čudesnih vrsta dok su u svom prirodnom staništu.
Njegov rad karakteriše pažljivo studiranje njihovog ponašanja i sveobuhvatno znanje i stručnost iz oblasti flore, faune, geologije i antropologije.
Petr Slavik je dobitnik brojnih međunarodnih nagrada, uključujući zlatnu medalju na najvećem fotografskom salonu TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT, a njegove fotografije su postale deo knjige ‘’THE WORLD’S BEST IMAGES 2014’’ (,,Najbolje fotografije na svetu 2014’’).
Njegovi izvještaji nalaze se ne samo u češkim časopisima, već i u prestižnim međunarodnim naslovima: BBC Wildlife, Discover, Digital Camera, N-Photo, Daily Mail i mnogim drugim.
Petr zaradom od aukcija njegovih fotografija podržava projekte očuvanja čeških naučnika koji rade na projektima u različitim delovima sveta, kao i projekte odgoja ugroženih vrsta u zoološkim vrtovima.
Trenutno radi na seriji In The Trail of Predator (Tragovima predatora), koja prikazuje avanture fotografa u neposrednoj blizini divljih životinja.
Ambasador je Nikona za Republiku Češku.
Internacionalne nagrade:
Glanzlichter 2009 – Sisari
DPOTY 2010 – Divljina
Glanzlichter 2012 – Umetnik na krilima
Trierenberg Super Cirquit 2011 – Zlatna medalja
Oasis Photo Contest 2011 – Srebrna detalja
Veolia Environment Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013 – finale
Izložbene aktivnost:
Petr Slavik imao je na desetine izložbi širom Češke. Izlagao je u Nostic Palace, New Town Hall-u, Globetrotter u Drezdenu.
Izložba u našem hotelu će biti otvorena za javnost svakog dana od 08. maja do 15. juna 2018. u lobiju uz slobodan ulaz za sve posetioce.
Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade realizacijom ovog projekta ima za cilj da doprinese razvoju umetničke scene, da upozna svetske umetnike sa Beogradom, kao i da podrži zaštitu divljine i podigne svest o životinjskim vrstama koje izumiru.
Više informacija o umetniku na: https://www.petrslavik.eu/
Projekat podržala
Ambasada Republike ČeškeThe Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade is pleased to present you the „Close Encounters“ exhibition („Close Encounters“
a prominent Czech photographer of the Wild Petar Slavika, in the lobby of the hotel, Bulevar Vojvode Mišić Street 15.
Petr Slavik will present a series of photographs of the most spectacular wildlife scene called „Close Encounters“ at his first exhibition in Belgrade.
Through its multi-dimensional expedition, often in extreme weather conditions, the artist succeeded in overcoming the emotions and hidden world of wildlife species from different continents.
By marking these photos, Petr wants to share the special energy he feels with the audience in the presence of these wonderful species while in their natural habitat.
His work is characterized by careful study of their behavior and comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the field of flora, fauna, geology and anthropology.
Petr Slavik is the winner of numerous international awards, including the gold medal at the largest TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT Photographic Salon, and his photos became part of the „WORLD’S BEST IMAGES 2014“ („Best Photos in the World 2014“) book.
His reports are not only in Czech magazines, but also in prestigious international titles: BBC Wildlife, Discover, Digital Camera, N-Photo, Daily Mail and many more.
Petr earns from the auction of his photographs projects of conservation of Czech scientists working on projects in different parts of the world, as well as projects for the education of endangered species in zoos.
He is currently working on the In The Trail of Predator series, which shows the adventures of photographers in the immediate vicinity of wildlife.
Ambassador Nicholas for the Czech Republic.
International awards:
Glanzlichter 2009 – Sister
DPOTY 2010 – Wildlife
Glanzlichter 2012 – Upholstery on the wings
Trierenberg Super Cirquit 2011 – Gold medal
Oasis Photo Contest 2011 – Silver details
Veolia Environment Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013 – final
Exhibit activity:
Petr Slavik had dozens of exhibitions across the Czech Republic. He has exhibited at Nostic Palace, New Town Hall, Globetrotter in Dresden.
The exhibition at our hotel will be open to the public every day from 08 May to 15 June 2018 in the lobby with free entry for all visitors.
The Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel in Belgrade, with the realization of this project, aims to contribute to the development of the art scene, to introduce world artists to Belgrade, to support wildlife conservation and to raise awareness of the extinct animal species.
More information about the artist at: https://www.petrslavik.eu/
Project supported
Embassy of the Czech Republic