If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.
Pridružite nam se i ovog meseca, u subotu, 27. januara na Plesnjaku u Crnoj kući uz „Dead Trash Super Star“ stil DJ Dark Angel.
Plesnjak je otvoren za sve, nezavisno od starosne dobi, seksualne orijentacije i rodnog identiteta, subkulturne pripadnosti i društvenog statusa.
Ulaz je besplatan. Plesnjak počinje tačno u 21č.
DTSS aka DJ Dark Angel je strasna ljubiteljka živopisnog disko stila, berlinske elektro pank treš muzike i bendova s jednim jedinim hitom. Na njenim setovima može da se čuje elektro pank, elektro treš, brejkbit, a ponekad čak i glič, tehno devedesetih i dab step. Na njen muzički stil uticali su Joy Division, The Cure, Morrissey, David Bowie, Peaches, New Order, Le Tigre, Robots in Disguise, 80’s synth pop…
Join us this month, on Saturday, January 27, at the Dance in the Black House with „Dead Trash Super Star“ style DJ Dark Angel.
The dancer is open to all, regardless of age, sexual orientation and gender identity, subcultural affiliation and social status.
The entrance is free. The dancer begins exactly at 9pm.
DTSS aka DJ Dark Angel is a passionate fan of the colorful disco style, the Berlin Electro Punk of treasures of music and bands with a single hit. On its sets it is possible to hear an electric punk, electro shake, a breakbeat, and sometimes even a glitch, techno nineties and a dab step. Her musical style influenced Joy Division, The Cure, Morrissey, David Bowie, Peaches, New Order, Le Tigre, Robots and Disguise, 80’s synth pop …