Ciklus tribina: STRIPOVI ZA SVE
Organizacija: Dom omladine Beograda i IK Darkwood
Učestvuju: Pavle Zelić (pisac i scenarista) i Nikola Dragomirović(novinar i kritičar).
Moderator tribine je Milan Jovanović (urednik u Darkwoodu).
Prošlo je 50 godina od onog trenutka kada smo prvi put sreli Korta Maltezea. Tada je bio vezan za improvizovani splav i ostavljen na milost i nemilost Pacifiku i suncu.
Ko je tada mogao slutiti da je to jedan od najelegantnijih avanturista kog literatura poznaje. Pola veka kasnije Korto je i dalje sa nama, a njegovo je prisustvo možda značajnije nego ikad.
Novembarska tribina biće šesta u ciklusu razgovora i događaja na temu devete umetnosti, pod naslovom „Stripovi za sve!”, koje izdavačka kuća Darkwood priređuje u saradnji sa Domom omladine Beograda, svake poslednje srede u mesecu.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2017 At 06 pm
Cycle of the stands: STRIPS FOR ALL
Organization: Dom omladine Beograda and IK Darkwood
Participants: Pavle Zelić (writer and screenwriter) and Nikola Dragomirović (journalist and critic).
Moderator of the tribune is Milan Jovanovic (Editor in Darkwood).
It’s been 50 years since the first time we met Corte Maltese. He was then attached to an improvised raft and left to the mercy of the Pacific and the sun.
Who then could have imagined that it was one of the most elegant adventurers whose literature he knew. Half a century later, Corto is still with us, and his presence may be more important than ever.
The November panel will be the sixth in the cycle of conversations and events on the topic of ninth art, entitled „Comics for All!“, Which the Darkwood publishing house organizes in cooperation with the Youth House of Belgrade, every last Wednesday of the month.