Otvaranje: četvrtak, 18. januar, 19.00
PORTRETIIzloženi portretski radovi studenata prve i druge godine Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu, svojevrsni omaž pokojnom profesoru ove škole Miodragu Vujačiću Mirskom, odražavaju pokušaje mladih autora da na raspoloživoj podlozi iznesu likovno transponovan motiv i, zapravo, udahnu život samoj materiji. Evidentan je trud da se različitim crtačkim postupcima materijalizuju svi oni izrazi lica, u raznolikim kombinacijama starosne dobi, fizionomskih karakteristika, gestikulacija, ali i podtekstima, kompatibilnim misaonim procesima portretisanog ili pak odsustvu ovih, u datom momentu. Težeći, dakle, izvesnom idealu, ispunjavajući ovaj stari zadatak, uslovlјen uvek novim stvaralačkim impulsima, trenucima, ali i preovlađujućom bojom vremena, i subjektivnim viđenjima, studenti stiču prvo celovitije profesionalno iskustvo u radu i prezentaciji rezultata rada, dragoceno za orijentaciju u narednim periodima edukacije, formiranja i afirmacije na umetničkoj sceni. Ljubica Jelisavac Katić
January 18 – February 3, DKSG Gallery
Opening: Thursday, January 18, 19.00
Exhibited portrait works of students of the first and second year of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, a kind of homage to the late professor of this school, Miodrag Vujacic Mirski, reflect the attempts of young authors to present an artistic transposed motif on the available surface and, in fact, breathe life into the matter itself. It is evident that all facial expressions, in various combinations of age, physiognomic characteristics, gestures, but also subtexts, compatible thought processes, or the absence of these at the given moment, are materialized by various drawing processes. Toughening, therefore, to a certain ideal, fulfilling this old task, always conditioned by new creative impulses, moments, but also the prevailing color of time, and subjective views, students gain firstly a more comprehensive professional experience in the work and presentation of work results, valuable for orientation in subsequent periods of education , formation and affirmation on the art scene. Ljubica Jelisavac Katić