U filmu Star Wars – Poslednji Džedaji, nastavlja se saga o Skajvokerima, dok se junaci filma Buđenje Sile pridružuju galaktičkim legendama u epskoj avanturi koja otkriva drevne misterije Sile i šokantne detalje iz prošlosti.
U filmu igraju Mark Hamil, Keri Fišer, Adam Drajver, Dejzi Ridli, Džon Bojega, Oskar Ajzak, Lupita Njongo, Endi Serkis, Domnal Glison, Entoni Danijels, Gvendolin Kristi, Keli Mari Tran, Lora Dern i Benisio Del Toro.
Scenarista i reditelj je Rajan Džonson, a producenti Ketlin Kenedi i Rem Bergman. Džej Džej Abrams, Tom Karnovski I Džejson MakGalin su izvršni producenti.In Star Wars – The Last Jedi, the saga of the Skywalkers continues, while the heroes of the Wake of the Silence movie join galactic legends in an epic adventure that reveals the ancient mysteries of the Force and the shocking details of the past.
The cast includes Mark Hamilton, Kerry Fisher, Adam Dreyver, Dejzi Ridley, John Boog, Oskar Ajzak, Lupita Njongo, Andy Serkis, Domnale Glison, Entoni Daniels, Gwendolyn Christy, Keli Mari Tran, Lora Dern and Benisio Del Toro.
The screenwriter and director is Ryan Johnson, and the producers are Kathleen Kennedy and Rem Bergman. Jay Jay Abrams, Tom Karnowski and Jason McGalin are executive producers.