Di-džej koji je ponikao u beogradskom klabingu, decenijskim iskustvom izgradio karakterističan stil i postao deo kruga artista domaće scene koje rado pratimo i veoma poštujemo – Predrag Janus – u petak stiže u Štab Pogon!
Janus je prošao tehnološku evoluciju od vinila pa do savremene kompjuterske opreme. Zbog svoje zahtevene, a tečne tehnike, kritičari ga čak nazivaju ‘maestrom’ mixa, sa neverovatnim osećajem za momenat, energiju i bit. Njegovi setovi su nepredvidivo energični, prožeti zavodljivim ritmovima i uzbudljivom bass linijom. Zahvaljujući svom umeću sa FX spravama on kontroliše razmenu energije, atmosferu i mami publiku na ples, ali istovremeno i na duhovni orgazam! Između ostalih delio je pult sa moćnim imenima današnje techno scene kao što su Hertz, Adam Beyer, Ben Klock Cristian Varela, Ben Sims, Marco Bailey, Petar Dundov, Marko Nastic, Dejan Milicevic, Boža Podunavac i mnogim drugi…
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If you are a fan of Belgrade clubs you must have listened to our next guest at least once.
Di-džej who sang in Belgrade’s club, built a characteristic style with decennial experience and became a part of the home-country scene artist who we are happy to observe and very much respect – Predrag Janus – arrives on Friday at the Headquarters!
Janus has passed the technological evolution of vinyl to modern computer equipment. Due to its demands, and fluid techniques, critics even call it a ‘master mix’, with incredible sense of moment, energy, and essence. Its sets are unpredictably energetic, engraved with seductive rhythms and an exciting bass line. Thanks to its insertion with FX instruments it controls the energy, the atmosphere and the mom’s audience to dance, but also to the spiritual orgasm! Among others he has featured a panel of powerful names from today’s techno scene, such as Hertz, Adam Beyer, Ben Klock, Cristian Varel, Ben Sims, Marco Bailey, Petar Dundov, Marko Nastic, Dejan Milicevic, Boža Podunavac and many others …
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RA event: https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1040243
Techno music