Zbog velikog interesovanja sasvim očekivano vas pozivamo na najbolju proslavu nove godine u našem gradu, na vašem omiljenom mestu, ekipa Kvake 22 je za vas spremila dosta toga.
Ova noć će biti puna iznenađenja (hidden rooms party), a muziku za vas biraju:
Nađa Vračarić, Kebara, Luka Nebo + gosti iznenađenja…
Vrtećemo najbolje hitove: Vaporwave / Indie / Domaćica/ tropical electro/ Trep/ Disco/ R n R/ PoP…
Očekuju vas skrivene sobe koje otvaramo po prvi put za javnost, pravimo vatromet u 00:00 sa naše terase, besplatno voće i grickalice…
Ulaz je 500 din
Vidimo se u novoj 2018 ♥Due to great interest, we are very pleased to invite you to the best New Year’s celebration in our city, in your favorite place, the Kvaka 22 team has prepared a lot for you.
This night will be full of surprises (hidden rooms party), and the music for you will be:
Nađa Vračaric, Kebar, Luka Nebo + guests of surprise …
We’ll roll the best hits: Vaporwave / Indie / Housewife / tropical electro / Trep / Disco / Rn R / PoP …
We expect hidden rooms that open for the first time for the public, we fire at 00:00 from our terrace, free fruit and snacks …
The entrance is 500 din
See you in the new 2018 ♥
Proslava Nove Godine – Kvaka 22

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