Prema mnogima, “Pulp Fiction” je najbolji film 1990-ih godina. Ovaj klasik Quentina Tarantina ostaje jedan od najboljih filmova savremene kinematografije, a citati iz njega su deo kulture.
…Plaćene ubice Džuls Vinfild (Semjuel L. Džekson) i Vinsent Vega (Džon Travolta), treba da povrate novac koji je ukraden njihovom poslodavcu Marselas Volasu (Ving Rejms). Kao čovek od poverenja, Vinset Vega ima dodatni zadatak da nekoliko dana kasnije, kada Marselas bude van grada, izvede u provod Miu Volas (Uma Turman), Marselasovu suprugu. U priču se uključuje i Buč Kulidž (Brus Vilis), bokser na zalasku karijere, potplaćen od strane Marselasa da izgubi svoj sledeći meč. Životi naizgled nepovezanih ljudi, prepliću se tokom nelinearnog toka filma, rezultirajući smešnim i bizarnim situacijama. to many, „Pulp Fiction“ is the best film of the 1990s. This classic Quentin Tarantino remains one of the best movies of contemporary cinema, and quotes from it are part of the culture.
… The paid killers, Jules Wynnfield (Semuel L. Jackson) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta), should recover the money stolen from their employer, Marcelas Volas (Wing Reims). As a trusted man, Vincet Vega has an additional assignment that, a few days later, when Marselas is out of town, performs at the Miu Volas (Uma Turman), Marselas’ wife. The story includes Buce Coolidge (Bruce Willis), a boxer athlete’s career, paid by Marcelas to lose his next match. The lives of seemingly unrelated people intertwine during the non-linear stream of the film, resulting in ridiculous and bizarre situations.