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Renomirani ruski atmosferski black metal bend ПУТЬ izvešće kompletnu verziju svog kultnog albuma „Песни Смерти“. Bend je stekao svetsko priznanje zbog svog jedinstvenog spoja atmosferskih kompozicija, agresivnog zida zvuka i upotrebe harmonike.
Označite svoje kalendare za 5. novembar da ne propustite dolazak šampiona ruske tuge, praćena vatrom i mećavama, u klub DRUGSTORE, Beograd
Emisiju će podržati novosadski ritualni black ambijent projekat PLAMEN VEČNOSTI i beogradski black metal ratnici SVARTGREN.
The renowned Russian atmospheric black metal band ПУТЬ will perform a full rendition of their iconic album „Песни Смерти“. The band has gained worldwide recognition for their unique blend of atmospheric compositions, an aggressive wall of sound, and the use of accordion.
Mark your calendars for November 5th so you don’t miss the arrival of the horsemen of Russian sorrow, accompanied by fire and blizzards, at DRUGSTORE club.
The show will be supported by the Novi Sad-based ritual black ambient project PLAMEN VECNOSTI and Belgrade’s black metal warriors SVARTGREN