STUDENTI, Dobro nam došli ! at Square Caffe Bar
Mesec ipo dana je proslo od prve naše žurke, ali to je malo da bi ovde stali. Agencija Puzzle Group iz Vršca i Square Bar nastavljaju da Vam olakšavaju studentske dane, i tim povodom nastavljamo sa već tradicionalnim STUDENTSKIM ŽURKAMA svakog četvrtka.
Da li ste spremni ???
Za dobar provod je zadužen DJ Funky Fresh
REZ: +381 60 37 333 22
*Rezervacije su obavezneSTUDENTS, Welcome! at Square Caffe Bar
Half the time has passed since our first whim, but it’s a bit to stay there. Agency Puzzle Group from Vršac and Square Bar continue to help you with student days, and on that occasion we continue with the already traditional STUDENT CURTAINS every Thursday.
Are you ready ???
DJ Funky Fresh is in charge for good performance
REZ: +381 60 37 333 22
* Reservations are obligatory