Za sve obožavaoce engleskog rock kvinteta Radiohead, u petak, 9.2. od 21h će u Galeriji Polet biti održan Radiohead Night!
Beogradski bendovi će, u originalnim aranžmanima, svirati kultne hitove legendarnog engleskog benda formiranog 1985. godine.
Đuskamo i pevamo uz „Lotus Flower“, „High and Dry“, „Weird Fishes“, „Present Tense“, „Creep“ i druge, u noći posvećenoj jednom od najpoznatijih bendova današnjice, koji na muzičkoj sceni postoji više od 30 godina!
Ulaz je besplatan.For all fans of the English rock quintet Radiohead, on Friday, 9.2. From 21h, Radiohead Night will be held at the Polet Gallery!
Belgrade bands will, in their original arrangements, play cult hits of the legendary English band formed in 1985.
We embrace and sing along with „Lotus Flower“, „High and Dry“, „Weird Fishes“, „Present Tense“, „Creep“ and others, on the night dedicated to one of the most famous bands of the present which has been on the music scene for more than 30 years!
The entrance is free.