Raw and Uncut Hip-Hop 09.02.2018. Firchie Think Tank Studio

Raw and Uncut Hip-Hop 09.02.2018. Firchie Think Tank Studio
Bulevar Despota Stefana 5, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Tvrdi bitovi, old school hitovi i ruke u vazduhu!

Za sve prave hip-hop glave „Raw and Uncut Hip-Hop“ party se vraća u Firčijev studio. Treće po redu izdanje žurke s potpisom Real Onez kolektiva će vas ponovo povesti na put kroz zlatne devedesete ali i kroz sveža izdanja iskopana iz najdubljeg podzemlja širom sveta.
Kao i poslednji put pridružiće im se dva igrača, Zupany i Banzae, ljude koje ne treba mnogo opisivati jer se njihova reputacija, izgrađena na opasnoj tehnici i kolosalno velikoj muzičkoj biblioteci, čuje daleko. A opet ste požalili da hip-hop žurki nema u gradu?

Da se zna, hip-hop kao kultura i pokret zaobilazi sve nacionalne, religijske i rasne barijere, što ovo okupljanje glasno podržava. To očekujemo i od vas tako da nam se pridružite pa da delujemo kao JEDNO!

Startujemo u 22h. Vidimo se!

Ulaznice možete kupiti na svim prodajnim mestima sistema Gigstix.
Pretprodaja: 300 dinara
Na ulazu: 400 dinara
-> Banzae (Madred)

Banzae je tekstopisac i MC iz raggamufin dua MadRed koji se vremena na vreme hvata DJ pulta i počasti masu fantastičnom selekcijom reggae, hip-hop, funk i sličnih poletnih žanrova.
-> Zupany HTc (Hain Teny / beatchukaz / Adriatic Funk League)

Zupany je producent, freestyle DJ i skreč majstor, aktivno vrti dance-floor muziku od 2002. godine. Originalnost i umeće njegovih setova leži u fuziji elektronskih i organskih žanrova, kao i autentičnih pravaca stare i nove škole u paleti mnogobrojnih pravaca za ples. Sredinom 90-ih kreće da se muzički usmerava. S početka 2000-tih akter je mnogih muzičkih dešavanja u regionu, takođe radi i kao programski urednik na nekoliko lokalnih radio stanica, od kojih još uvek aktuelni show „Press & Play“ (radio Klinika – NS). Često nastupa širom regiona kao DJ, tako i sa svojim baznim bendom „Hain Teny“, takođe i svojim novi projekat „Beatchukaz“, zajedno sa DJ Dee-em iz HTc-a. Trenuto promovišu svoj najnoviji materijal „Hain Teny“ (EP) „Daily Routine“ i „Beatchukaz“ (album) „Bricks“ koji su objavljen za legendarnu izdavačku etiketu IBMCs, sa CD izdanjem u kooprodukciji sa Mr.Grim production. U poslednjih par godina istaknuto saradjuju sa Hip-Hop izvođačima širom sveta, gde se ističu kolaboracije ostvarene na izdanjima kao što su : „MGGost / Waking Walk“, „Dr.Drumah / Drumahmental“, „SuD“, kao i mnogi remiksi i scratch gostovanja. Od zlatnih momenata na sceni pamte se, Fresnes theater & La Dame De Canton – Paris, Leopold club & Ramien club – Beč, Circus & Scandale club – Ženeva, Solaris club – Linz, Exit festival – Novi Sad, Jazz club – Temišvar, Nerv club – Arad, Sarajevo film Festival, Jazz Festival Lent – Maribor, Kino Šiška Cinema Club – Ljubljana, Casper – Budva, i mnogim drugim renomiranim klubovima u zemlji i regionu poznatim po održavanju pravih muzičkih vrednosti.

www.soundcloud.com/zupany-htc (author work)
www.mixcloud.com/Zupany (mixes)
www.facebook.com/zupany.htc (fun page)
-> Re:tro flava (Real Onez / Gerila Kru)

Re:tro flava je DJ rodom iz Umaga, malog grada na zapadu Istre, ali trenutno živi i radi u Novom Sadu. Aktivno vrti muziku od 2011. godine te je član riječkog kreativnog kolektiva Gerila Kru i novosadskog drum n bass/jungle/hip-hop kolektiva Real Onez.

Kao što mu ime kaže, specijalizirao se u oživljavanju zaboravljene ere prošlog vijeka. Mux mu se bazira na striktno plesnoj strani jazz-a, počevši od Hot Jazz žanra iz rane 1910. godine preko legendarne Swing ere u 30im i 40im godinama, brzog Gypsy Jazz-a i Jump Blues-a u istim godinama te kasnije Rock n Rolla iz kičastih 50-ih, pa sve do Neo Swinga 90-ih godina.
Ipak, Re:tro flava ostaje vjeran svojim korijenima ne zapostavljajući drum n bass na kojem se učio raditi i naravno svoju pravu ljubav Hip-Hop tako da dosta često dio mixa posveti finom podžanru Rap Jazz ali i tvrdim, prašnjavim bitovima Hip-Hopa 90ih, povezujući ih s Funkom, funky Breaksom i Breakbeatom stvarajući poprilično dinamičnu atmosferu.

Do sad je nastupao na velikom broju partija i nešto festivala po Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Sloveniji i Rumuniji, od kojih izdvaja:
– “Tunel” (Rijeka, HR)
– “EXIT Club” (Osijek, HR)
– “Zappa Bar” (Beograd, RS)
– “Amerikan Bar” (Umag, HR)
– “Swanky Mint Hostel” (Zagreb, HR)
– “Firchie Think Tank Studio” (Novi Sad, RS)
– “AKC Jalla Jalla” (Metelkova, Ljubljana, SLO)
– “Pandemonium Festival 2017” (Zlatorog, Umag, HR)
– “Gerila Bar” s Real Onez feat. Rahmanee (Novi Sad, RS)
– “Roots Vibes vol. 3 mini festival” as Gerila Kru (Rijeka, HR)
– “Dub Colony festival 2016” s Gerila Kru (Robinson camp, Gornji Zvečaj, HR)
– “Rock La Mures Open Air Festival 2017” s Real Onez (Periam Port, Timis, RO)

Takoder je osnivač online projekta nazvan Old & Quality Music koji se bavi promocijom kvalitetne muzike nastale u periodu nastanka snimanja muzike pa do kraja milenijuma.


-> ZeeOne (Real Onez)

Samo jedan jednostavan lik, koji će uraditi sve da kroz kompleksne metafore i čvrste punchline-ove probudi onaj deo vaše podsvesti koji niste ni znali da je tu. Glavna tema njegove poruke je ljubav prema svojoj ekipi, i revolt prema stanju današnjice. Smoren i zgrožen od strane današnje pop „kulture“, bolesnog manipulisanja masom i omalovažavanjem sistema vrednosti, govori istinu koju svi znamo ali niko ne želi da prihvati!
Živi po originalnom kodeksu Hip-Hop-a, koji se vodi ljubavlju, mirom, zajednicom i sigurnom dobrom provodu!
Proždire Boom-Bap bitove, gazi po drum ‘n’ bass i jungle trakama, a usput je pevač u grupi S.K.C. (Sick Killer Clownz) koja se bavi fuzijom hard core, reggae, punk, rep muzike.
Osnivač i član Real Onez kolektiva.

Hain Teny:
Adriatic Funk League:
Gerila Kru:
Real Onez:
www.facebook.com/wearetherealonezHard bits, old school hits and hands in the air!

For all real hip-hop heads, „Raw and Uncut Hip-Hop“ party returns to Firchi’s studio. The third edition of the party with the signature of the Real Onez collective will take you back to the road through the golden nineties, but also through fresh releases dug out of the deepest underworld around the world.
Like the last time, two players will join them, Zupany and Banzae, people who do not need to be described much because their reputation, built on dangerous technique and a colossal music library, is heard far away. And you again complained that there are no hip-hop parties in the city?

To be known, hip-hop, as a culture and movement, bypasses all national, religious and racial barriers, which this gathering loudly supports. We expect this from you too, so join us and act as ONE!

We start at 22h. See you!

You can purchase tickets at all Gigstix sales points.
Pre-sale: 300 dinars
At the entrance: 400 dinars
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-> Banzae (Madred)

Banzae is a songwriter and MC from raggamufin dua MadRed who occasionally grabs the DJ counter and honors the mass with a fantastic selection of reggae, hip-hop, funk and similar summer genres.
-> Zupany HTc (Hain Teny / beatchukaz / Adriatic Funk League)

Zupany is a producer, freestyle DJ and a skilled master, actively spinning dance-floor music since 2002. The originality and skills of his sets lie in the fusion of electronic and organic genres as well as the authentic directions of old and new school in the range of numerous dance directions. In the mid-90s he moves to music. Since the beginning of the 2000s, he has been involved in many music events in the region, and also works as a program editor on several local radio stations, of which the current press release „Press & Play“ (Radio Klinika – NS) is still in progress. He often performs throughout the region as a DJ, as well as with his base band „Hain Teny“, also with his new project Beatchuzkaz, together with DJ Dee from HTc. They are currently promoting their latest material, „Hain Teny“ (EP) „Daily Routine“ and „Beatchukaz“ (album) „Bricks“ that have been released for the legendary label IBMCs, with a CD release co-produced with Mr.Grim production. Over the past couple of years, they have been working closely with hip-hop performers around the world, highlighting collaborations made on releases such as „MGGost / Waking Walk“, „Dr.Drumah / Drumahmental“, „SuD“, as well as many remixes and scratch hosting. From the golden moments on the scene you remember, Fresnes Theater & La Dame De Canton – Paris, Leopold club & Ramien club – Vienna, Circus & Scandale club – Geneva, Solaris club – Linz, Exit festival – Novi Sad, Jazz club – Timisoara, Nerv club – Arad, Sarajevo Film Festival, Jazz Festival Lent – Maribor, Kino Šiška Cinema Club – Ljubljana, Casper – Budva, and many other renowned clubs in the country and the region known for maintaining true musical values.

www.soundcloud.com/zupany-htc (author work)
www.mixcloud.com/Zupany (mixes)
www.facebook.com/zupany.htc (fun page)

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-> Re: three flava (Real Onez / Gerila Kru)

Re: three flava is a DJ from Umag, a small town in the west of Istria, but currently lives and works in Novi Sad. He has been actively playing music since 2011 and is a member of the Rijeka Creative Collective Gerila Kru and Novi Sad’s drum n bass / jungle / hip-hop collective Real Onez.

As his name suggests, he specializes in the revival of the forgotten era of the last century. Mux is based on the strictly dance side of jazz, starting with the Hot Jazz genre from the early 1910s through the legendary Swing era in the 30s and 40s, the fast Gypsy Jazz and Jump Blues in the same years and later Rock n Rolla from the kitschy 50’s to the Neo Swing in the ’90s.
However, Re: the three flava remains faithful to their roots, not neglecting the drum n bass on which he learned to work and, of course, his true love Hip-Hop, so that he often devotes a lot of mix to the fine Pod Jazz, but also the hard, dusty bits of the Hip Hop, linking them with Funk, Funky Breaks and Breakbeat creating a pretty dynamic atmosphere.

So far he has performed on a number of parties and some festivals in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Romania, out of which he distinguishes:
– „Tunel“ (Rijeka, HR)
– „EXIT Club“ (Osijek, HR)
– „Zappa Bar“ (Belgrade, RS)
– „Amerikan Bar“ (Umag, HR)
– „Swanky Mint Hostel“ (Zagreb, HR)
– „Firchie Think Tank Studio“ (Novi Sad, RS)
– „AKC Jalla Jalla“ (Metelkova, Ljubljana, SLO)
– „Pandemonium Festival 2017“ (Zlatorog, Umag, HR)
– „Gerila Bar“ with Real Onez feat. Rahmanee (Novi Sad, RS)
– „Roots Vibes vol. 3 mini festival „as Gerila Kru (Rijeka, HR)
– „Dub Colony Festival 2016“ by Gerila Kru (Robinson camp, Gornji Zvečaj, HR)
– „Rock La Mures Open Air Festival 2017“ with Real Onez (Periam Port, Timis, RO)

He is also the founder of an online project called Old & Quality Music, which promotes high-quality music from the period of music recording until the end of the millennium.




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