Ray Charles Tribute I 03.02.2018 Vintage Industrial

Ray Charles Tribute I 03.02.2018 Vintage Industrial
Savska cesta 160, Zagreb

SUBOTA 3.2.2018. | Ray Charles Tribute + DJ PROGRAM @Vintage Industrial Bar | Koncert 23:30 I Ulaz do 22:00 besplatan I Karte: 10 kn (za studente) / 20 kn

U subotu 3. veljače dovodimo vam genijalni Ray Charles Tribute, predvođen cijenjenim slovenskim glazbenikom Urošom Perićem, koji drži svjetski rekord u broju izvedbi ‘ Celebrating Ray Charles’. Održao je preko 300 koncerata u 18 zemalja na 3 kontinenta.

Koncert u Vintage Industrialu održat će kao kvartet uz prateći anđeoski vokal jedne od njegovih pjevačica.

Surađivao je s velikim imenima, poput: Ernie Watts, Diane Schuur, Michael Abene, Dusko Goykovich, Tony Horowitz, Lou Gonzales, Eric Sande, Pete Bresciani, Joel Gibson, Curt Miller, Neil Maxa, Jon Klokow, Sonny Hernandez, Tom Hall, Eddie Rich, Wayne de Silva, Gary Anderson, Alex Jackson, David Braun, Jeff Zinn, Joel Richman…

Svirao je na mjestima o kojima većina ljudi sanja: Montreux Jazz Festival, Frankfurter Opernball, JazzAscona Festival, Klaipeda Jazz Festival, Saalfelden Jazz Festival, French Quarter Festival New Orleans, Sweet Auburn Festival Atlanta, Georgia, Tanjazz Morocco, Volkstheater Vienna, Nuits de Jazz Nantes, France, Léognan Jazz Festival, Saint Amarin Jazz Festival, Friedberg, Bad Vilbl, Senftenberg, Kaliningrad Jazz Festival, Kammgarn Jazz Festival Kaiserslautern, Jazz Festival Wiehl, Monaco, Kaliningrad Int. Jazz Festival, Davos Sounds Good, Hardelot, Les Fetes de Geneve, La Baule Jazz Festival, Saint Benoit Swing Festival, Jazz Marseille, Jazz Trivy, St Jazz Sur Vie Festival St Gilles Croix de Vie, Jazz Carcassone, Nishvill Serbien, Bansko Jazz Festival ….

RAY CHARLES – bilo je umjetničko ime Raymonda Charlesa Robinsona (23. rujna 1930.- 10. lipnja 2004.), legendarnog američkog crnačkog glazbenika. Bio je američki pionir glasovira u soulu, koji je oblikovao zvuk rhythm and bluesa. U country i pop glazbu unio je dah soula, a obradu pjesme „America the Beautiful“ nazivaju klasikom, kao i čovjeka koji ju je izvodio.

Frank Sinatra zvao ga je „jedinim pravim genijem u show biznisu, a 2004. godine časopis Rolling Stone postavio ga među prvih deset u svom popisu stotine besmrtnika.

Rodio se u gradu Albanyu, država Georgia u SAD-u. Roditelji su mu bili Bailey i Aretha Robinson. Otac je napustio obitelj vrlo rano. Kad je imao pet godina, umro mu je godinu dana mlađi brat koji se utopio u kadi na otvorenome. Nedugo nakon toga počela ga je napadati sljepoća, a sa samo sedam godina potpuno je oslijepio. Nikad sa sigurnošću nije otkrio razlog za ovakav invaliditet, no glasine kruže da je to posljedica glaukoma.

Pohađao je Floridsku školu za gluhe i slijepe u mjestu St. Augustin. Nakon tog iskustva, ide živjeti samostalno. Nadaren za glazbu, svirao je klavir. Majka i otac mu umiru. 17 godina bio je teški ovisnik o heroinu. Uhićen je triput, ali nije bio u zatvoru nakon uspješnog odvikavanja. Kažnjen je godinom dana uvjetne kazne 1966. godine.
Snimio je mnogo ploča i mnogo hitova. Poznata je pjesma „Hit the road Jack.“ Žestoki protivnik rasne segregacije i nasilja nad crnim stanovništvom Amerike, otkazao je koncert 1961. zbog toga što su u dvorani bila rasno podijeljena sjedala.

Ženio se dva puta, ali se oba puta razveo. Ipak sa sedam različitih žena začeo je 12-ero djece, a nadživjelo ga je 21 unuče i petero praunučadi.

U 73. godini umro je od bolesti jetre na Beverly Hillsu.

„I Got a Woman“ (1954)
„What’d I Say“ (1959)
„Georgia on My Mind“ (1960)
„Hit the Road Jack“ (1961)
„One Mint Julep“ (1961)
„Unchain My Heart“ (1961)
„I Can’t Stop Loving You“ (1962)

Više informacija o programu Vintage Industriala:
www.instagram.com/vintageindzagrebSATURDAY 3.2.2018. | Ray Charles Tribute + DJ PROGRAM @Vintage Industrial Bar Concert 23:30 I Entrance until 22:00 free of charge Maps: 10 kn (for students) / 20 kn

On Saturday, February 3rd, we will bring you the ingenious Ray Charles Tribute, led by the esteemed Slovenian musician Uroš Perić, who holds the world record in the performance of ‘Celebrating Ray Charles’. He has held over 300 concerts in 18 countries on 3 continents.

The concert in Vintage Industrial will be held as a quartet accompanied by an angelic vocal of one of its singers.

He co-operated with big names such as: Ernie Watts, Diane Schuur, Michael Abene, Dusko Goykovich, Tony Horowitz, Lou Gonzales, Eric Sande, Pete Bresciani, Joel Gibson, Curt Miller, Neil Max, Jon Klokow, Sonny Hernandez, Eddie Rich, Wayne de Silva, Gary Anderson, Alex Jackson, David Braun, Jeff Zinn, Joel Richman …

He played in places that most people dream of: the Montreux Jazz Festival, the Frankfurter Opernball, the JazzAscona Festival, the Klaipeda Jazz Festival, the Saalfelden Jazz Festival, the French Quarter Festival in New Orleans, the Sweet Auburn Festival in Atlanta, Georgia, Tanjazz Morocco, Volkstheater Vienna, Nuits de Jazz Nantes, France, Léognan Jazz Festival, Saint Amarin Jazz Festival, Friedberg, Bad Vilbl, Senftenberg, Kaliningrad Jazz Festival, Kammgarn Jazz Festival Kaiserslautern, Jazz Festival Wiehl, Monaco, Kaliningrad Int. Jazz Festival, Davos Sounds Good, Hardelot, Les Fetes de Geneve, La Baule Jazz Festival, Saint Benoit Swing Festival, Jazz Marseille, Jazz Trivy, St Jazz Sur Vie Festivals St Gilles Croix de Vie, Jazz Carcassonne, Nishvill Serbien, Bansko Jazz Festival ….

RAY CHARLES – was the musical name of Raymond Charles Robinson (September 23, 1930 – June 10, 2004), a legendary American black musician. He was an American pioneer of piano in the soul, who formed the sound of rhythm and blues. In country and pop music he has breathed the soul of soul, and the song „America the Beautiful“ is called the classic, as well as the man who performed it.

Frank Sinatra called him „the only real genius in the show business, and in 2004 Rolling Stone magazine set him among the top ten in his list of hundreds of immortals.

He was born in Albany, Georgia, USA. His parents were Bailey and Aretha Robinson. The father left the family very early. When he was five years old, a year younger brother died, drowning in the open-air bathtub. Shortly thereafter, it began to attack the blindness, and with only seven years it was completely blinded. She has never found a reason for such a disability with certainty, but rumor circulates that it is a result of glaucoma.

He attended the Florida Deaf and Blind School in St. Augustin. After that experience, going to live alone. He was fond of music, playing piano. Mother and father die. 17 years was a heavy addict to heroin. He was arrested three times, but he was not in jail after successful detention. He was sentenced to one year of a parole sentence in 1966.
He has recorded many records and many hits. The hit song „Hit the Road Jack.“ The fierce opponent of racial segregation and violence against the black population of America has canceled the concert in 1961 because of the racially divided seats in the hall.

She got married twice, but both times she was divorced. However, seven different women were conceived by 12 children, and survived by 21 grandchildren and five grandchildren.

At age 73 he died of a liver disease at Beverly Hill.

„I Got a Woman“ (1954)
„What’d I Say“ (1959)
„Georgia on My Mind“ (1960)
„Hit the Road Jack“ (1961)
„One Mint Julep“ (1961)
„Unchain My Heart“ (1961)
„I Can not Stop Loving You“ (1962)

More information about the Vintage Industrial Program:


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