Rebolledo , KC Grad, 19 maj 2017

Rebolledo , KC Grad, 19 maj 2017
KC Grad, Beograd, Srbija

Rebolledo (Hippie Dance)
Kristijan Molnar

Možda bi najbolji opis onoga što nas očekuje 19.maja u KC Gradu bila jedna rečenica iz intervjua sa Mauriciom Rebolledom: “Mnogo volim uticaje muzike iz kraja u kome sam odrastao (Veracruz u Meksiku), It’s happy, it’s repetitive and it can be deep.
Upravo to i očekujemo od umetnika koji stvara u okviru raznih projekata kao što su Pachanga Boys, Hippie Dance, TOPAZdelux ili Mayan Warrior. Od debi albuma Super Vato iz 2011. godine (Cómeme) pa sve do poslednjeg regularnog Mondo Alterado iz 2016. Rebolledo je isporučivao neverovatnu kombinaciju psihodelije, world music-a i vrhunske underground plesne muzike. Lista veoma bliskih saradnika govori o kakvom kalibru se radi: Superpitcher, Matias Aguayo, Red Axes ili Maceo Plex. Stalna saradnja sa etiketom Kompakt mu između ostalog donosi i jedan od top ten mixeva 2014. godine za Resident Advisor pod nazivom Momento Drive. Upravo oko gostovanja u Beogradu se očekuje njegovo novo izdanje i to remixa pod nazivom Mondo Re Alterado. Priča o Rebolledu ide dotle da ga je magazin Forbes uvrstio među 50 najuticajnih kreativaca iz Meksika. Najbolji mogući uvod u nastup gringa iz Veracruz-a napraviće Ewox i Kristijan Molnar.

Pretprodaja ograničenog broja karata za ovaj intimni spektakl sa prijateljima počinje 3.maja u KC Grad-u po ceni od 500 rsd. Naredna cena iznosiće 650 rsd, dok će na sam dan nastupa iznositi 800 rsd.
Maybe the best description what we are expecting at KC Grad on May 19 is one part from the interview with Maurucio Rebolledo: I so much love music influences from area I grow up (Veracruz, Mexico), It’s happy, it’s repetitive and it can be deep.
Rebolledo is involved in various project such as Pachanga Boys, Hippie Dance, TOPAZdelux and Mayan Warrior. From debut album Super Vato from 2011. (Cómeme) to the last one Mondo Alterado (2016.) Rebolledo delivered great mix of psychedelic beats, world music and pure underground dance music. The list of very close collaborators and friends includes great names: Superpitcher, Matias Aguayo, Red Axes or Maceo Plex. Rebolledo realesed some of the works for the famous Kompakt label and one of them (Momento Drive) was one of the top ten mixes at Resident Advisor in 2014. The new album of remixes is expected this summer. Among all the interesting stories about him is one that in 2015 Rebolledo was included in the FORBES Magazine list of the fifty Mexican creatives with the most worldwide influence. The best possible intro for him in Belgrade will be done by Ewox and Kristijan Molnar.

Ticket presale will start on May 3 at KC Grad. Earlybirds price is 500 rsd. The next price will be 650 rsd and the price on the day of the performance will be 800 rsd.


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