Sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo na poseban Delikatesni ponedeljak sa Refugee Aid Serbia, BelgrAid i Help Refugees. Približićemo vam bogate ukuse specifične za centralnu Aziju. Dođite i zajedno sa nama okusite ovu klopu, ali i upoznajte se bolje sa vašim susedima koji si izbegli iz svojih zemalja.
Sjajni Shpiritus Movens će nam se pridružiti ovom prilikom od 21h.
Ovo je ujedno i prilika da saznate više o radu ovih organizacija, te da se priključite njihovim akcijama. Takođe, svojim prisustvom doprinosite i nečemu većem: sav prihod biće doniran ovim humanitarnim organizacijama za pomoć njihovom radu u Srbiji.
+ukusna hrana (ujedno zdrava i vegeterijanska)
+zvukovi dalekog istoka
+živa muzika
+dobra atmosfera
Pridružite nam se da zajedno doprinesemo nečemu dobrom
Vidimo se 😉Refugee Aid Serbia, BelgrAid and Help Refugees
are glad to invite you to a very special Deli Monday. We want to bring you closer to the rich flavors that the Central Asian cuisine has to offer. Come try this delicious food with us next Monday and get to know more about your refugee neighbors!
The amazing live music of Shpiritus Movens will accompany us from 21h.
It would also be a good opportunity to learn more about the work these NGOs do and ways of getting involved. Also, with your attendance you are contributing to something bigger: all the collected money from the food will help fund these humanitarian organizations’ activities in Serbia.
+tasty food (also healthy & vegetarian)
+sounds from the far east
+live music
+good vibes
Come join us and start your week doing something good!