Rekvijem za američki san (2015), 29.11.2017. Kvaka22

Rekvijem za američki san (2015), 29.11.2017. Kvaka22
Ruzveltova 39, Beograd

Rekvijem za američki san (2015), 29.11.2017. Kvaka22, Sreda 20h/23h

Režija: Peter D. Hutchison, Kelly Nyks, Jared P. Scott
Trajanje: 73 min.
NAPOMENA: Film se prikazuje sa titlovima engleskom jeziku.

1967. godine Noam Čomski je objavio tekst pod naslovom “Odgovornost intelektualaca” (The Responsibility of Intellectuals) u kom je kritikovao Vijetnamski rat, intelektualnu kulturu SAD, način na koji mnogi naučnici i članovi akademske zajednice rade u interesu centara moći, i u kom je izneo stav da je dužnost svakog obrazovanog čoveka da koristi svoje intelektualne sposobnosti za kritičko sagledavanje društva u kome živi. Čomski, jedan od najuticajnijih i najcitiranijih intelektualca XX veka, lingvista, istoričar, društveni teorietičar, aktivista, u dokumentarnom filmu “Requiem for the American Dream” na pristupačan i direktan način govori o koncentraciji bogatstva i moći u savremenom svetu, o povećavanju društvene nejednakosti i krahu američke demokratije, sumirajući neke od najznačajnijih zaključaka do kojih je došao tokom svoje karijere.

Requiem for the American Dream (2015), 29.11. Kvaka22, Wednesday at 08 pm / 11 pm
Directed by: Peter D. Hutchison, Kelly Nyks, Jared P. Scott
Duration: 73 min.
NOTE: The movie is displayed with subtitles in English
In 1967, Noam Chomsky published a text titled „The Responsibility of Intellectuals“ in which he criticized the Vietnam War, the US intellectual culture, the way many scientists and members of the academic community work in the interests of the centers of power, the view that it is the duty of every educated man to use his intellectual abilities to critically examine the society in which he lives. Chomsky, one of the most influential and best-educated intellectuals of the 20th century, a linguist, historian, social theorist, activist, in the documentary film „Requiem for the American Dream“ in an accessible and direct way speaks of the concentration of wealth and power in the modern world, of increasing social inequality and the collapse of American democracy, summarizing some of the most important conclusions it has reached during its career.


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