Repriza u Štrafti 1 JAN / Bane Trifunović & Ognjen Krstić
★ Često bolja i koketnija od same Nove, opuštenija u svakom slučaju Repriza je ono što iskusne jaaako raduje!
★ 1.1. u Štraftu nam dolazi veliki gospodin, a bogami i dj mag – Bane Trifunović uz podršku domaćina – Dj Ognjena Krstića.
Biće to dvojac koji razgibava, uvija, i naravno natera da djipate koliko vam noge dozvole!
★ Odbacite odela i haljine sa dočeka i osmislite se u Reprizi, da bude još nasmejanije i razdraganije.
Repriza rulz! 😉
★ Ufur free do ponoći. Posle ponoći ulaz 200 dinara uz besplatnu garderobu 😉
Dodji ranije jer zagrevanje je najlepše! 😉
Vidimo se!!!
🎊Reprise in Štraft 1 JAN / Bane Trifunović & Ognjen Krstić
★ Often better and flirtatious than the new ones, the more relaxed anyway, Reprise is what the experienced people look forward to!
★ 1.1. in Štraft comes a great gentleman, and the gods and dj mag – Bane Trifunović with the support of the host – Dj Ognjen Krstić.
It will be a twin who turns around, curls, and of course makes you dance as much as your legs allow!
★ Get rid of suits and dresses from the greetings and make up for yourself in Reprise, to be even smiles and irritating.
Repriza rulz! 😉
★ Ufur free until midnight. After midnight entrance 200 dinars with free wardrobe;)
Come earlier because warming is the most beautiful! 😉
See you!!!