Restoran Principessa Doček Nove godine 2018

Restoran Principessa Doček Nove godine 2018
Ljubice Luković 5, Beograd

I ove godine pripremamo za Vas još jednu nezaboravnu noć… Dobra atmosfera i odličan provod prethodnih godina dovode nam stare goste, a i Vi novi uvek ste dobrodošli. Prethodnih godina imali smo i brojna iznenađenja (trubači, nagrade za najlepši par, najveseliji sto…). Prošle godine to je bio šampanjac u ponoć za svaki sto, poklon prijatelja organizacije, a za doček Nove 2018. godine biće…

Garancija za uslugu I bezbednost na najvišem nivou, pored organizatora sa višegodišnjim iskustvom je I veoma profesionalno I iskusno osoblje restorana PrincipessaRestoran se nalazi na Zvezdari, jedan od lepših I mirnijih delova Beograda. Zbog veoma atraktivnog enterijera, ljubaznog osoblja I prijatnog ambijenta za veoma kratko vreme postao je jedan od traženijih prostora za sve vrste proslava. Pored klimatizacije I ventilacije kompletnog prostora, restoran Principessa poseduje I svoj veliki parking.


Bend je iz Beograda i čini ga šest članova: pevač, pevačica, gitarista, bas gitarista, klavijaturista i bubnjar. Članovi benda su profesionalni muzičari, koji su okupljeni u ovaj jedinstveni sastav. Njihovo iskustvo, kvalitet svirke I širok repertoar u mnogomr doprinose pravom odabiru pesama za izvođenje u različitim prilikama. Svaki nastup benda krasi njihova sjajna svirka, nasmejanost, atraktivan i elegantan scenski izgled, kao i repertoar koji čine pored večitih numera i najnoviji hitovi domaće i strane muzike. Sve to je podržano vrhunskom zvučnom i svetlosnom opremom, čime se svaki nastup benda prepričava mesecima.

Bend pripada grupaciji VIVO BENDOVA, koji su među najtraženijim bendovima u Beogradu i celom regionu. Ideja o prezentovanju VIVO BENDOVA zasniva se na sjajnom repertoaru, elegantnom scenskom izgledu, kao i što kvalitetnijoj svirci i atraktivnom izvođenju, a sve usmereno ka pravljenju što bolje atmosfere kod klijenata.


Voditeljka, pevačica, manekenka… Devojka koja je nastupala u najpopularnijim Beogradskim klubovima zajedno sa najvećim imenima nase scene, dočekaće Novu Godinu u Principessi, I sigurni smo za sve nas prirediti jednu nezaboravnu noć…

PIĆENeograničena konzumacija sledećih alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih pića tokom cele večeri:

-Domaća rakija (dunja,šljiva,kajsija)

– Vinjak Rubin

– Vodka

– Pelinkovac

– Vermut

– Dry Gin

– Vino crveno, belo I roze

– Pivo (Staropramen, Jelen)

– Negazirani sokovi (pomorandža, jabuka, breskva)

– Gazirani sokovi (Coca-Cola, Tonik, Bitter Lemon)

– Mineralna voda Vrnjci (gazirana i negazirana)


Bogata večera koja se služi i dopunjuje na ovalima za svakim stolom:

*Zakuska Principessa:

– Njeguski pršut

– Govedji pršut

– Domaći kulen

– Pileća salata

– Rolat povrće

– Sir beli

– Kačkavalj

– Proja

*Mešani roštilj

– Pljeskavica

– Pileće belo

– Dimljeni vrat

– Ražnjić

– Kobasica

– Pekarski krompir

*Mešana salata jedinstveni miks tradicionalnih I sezonskih salata

*Selekcija zemički I hleba


Cena dočeka: već od 40€

KONTAKT TELEFONI: 063/ 288-675 i 063/269-299 

And this year we prepare for you another unforgettable night … Good atmosphere and excellent past years have brought us old guests, and the new one are always welcome. In the previous years we also had numerous surprises (trumpets, awards for the most beautiful couple, the most agreeable table …). Last year it was a champagne at midnight for every table, a gift from a friend of the organization, and for the New Year’s Eve 2018, it will be …

The highest level of service and safety guarantee, besides the organizer with many years of experience, is very professional and experienced staff at the Principessa restaurant. The restaurant is located on Zvezdara, one of the more beautiful and peaceful parts of Belgrade. Due to its very attractive interior, friendly staff and pleasant ambience, in a very short time it has become one of the most sought after spaces for all kinds of celebrations. In addition to air conditioning and ventilation of the entire space, the Principessa restaurant also has its own large parking lot.


The band is from Belgrade and consists of six members: singer, singer, guitarist, bass guitarist, keyboardist and drummer. The members of the band are professional musicians, who are gathered in this unique band. Their experience, the quality of the gig and the wide repertoire in many contribute to the right choice of songs for performance on different occasions. Each performance of the band is adorned with their great gig, smiling, attractive and elegant scene, as well as a repertoire that consists of eternal songs and the latest hits of local and foreign music. All of this is supported by superior sound and light equipment, which means that every performance of the band is repeated for months.

The band belongs to the group VIVO BENDOVA, which are among the most popular bands in Belgrade and the whole region. The idea of ​​presenting VIVO BENDOVA is based on a great repertoire, elegant scenic look, as well as a quality play and an attractive performance, all directed towards making the best atmosphere for the clients.


A leader, a singer, a model … A girl who performed at the most popular Belgrade clubs together with the biggest names in our scene will welcome the New Year in Principessa, and we are sure to make an unforgettable night for all of us …

Unlimited consumption of the following alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the evening:

-Home brandy (quince, plum, apricot)

– Vinyk Rubin

– Vodka

– Pelinkovac

– Vermouth

– Dry Gin

– Wine red, white and pink

– Beer (Staropramen, Jelen)

– Negative juices (orange, apple, peach)

– Carbonated juices (Coca-Cola, Tonik, Bitter Lemon)

– Mineral water Vrnjci (carbonated and non-carbonated)


A rich dinner serving and supplementing ovals at each table:

* Zakuska Principessa:

– Njeguski prosciutto

– Beef prosciutto

– Homemade kulen

– Chicken salad

– Roll of vegetables

– Sir white

– Cheese

– Proya

* Mixed grill

– Pimple

– Chicken White

– Smoked neck

– Ražnjić

– Sausage

– Baked potato

* Mixed salad is a unique mix of traditional and seasonal salads

* Selection of Bread and Bread


Price of the welcome: from 40 €

CONTACT TELEPHONES: 063 / 288-675 and 063 / 269-299


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