Evropska turneja najvećeg Red Hot Chili Peppers Tribute projekta na svetu, brazilskog RHCP World Tribute by Organic, dovodi bend u klub Fest, 19. novembra!
Muziku legendarnih “Papričica“ Organi’c izvodi već skoro 15 godina! Iza njih je preko 700 održanih koncerata samo u Brazilu, a nakon turneje po Južnoj Americi bend se konačno vraća na evropski kontinent.
Preko 150.000 lajkova, kao i prijateljstvo sa Anthony Kiedisom i originalnim Peppersima, pokazatelj je velike popularnosti ove četvorke koja, kako instrumentalno, tako i vizuelno prenosi doživljaj koji je najbliži živoj svirci originalne ekipe iz Kalifornije.
Official website: www.rhcpworldtribute.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Ulaznica samo 400 din Info /rezervacije stolova na 063 700 81 50
The European tour of the world’s biggest Red Hot Chili Peppers Tribute project, Brazil’s RHCP World Tribute by Organic, brings the band to club Fest, on November 19!
The legendary „Peppers“ Organi’c has been performing for almost 15 years! Behind them are over 700 concerts held in Brazil, and after a tour of South America, the band finally returns to the European continent.
Over 150,000 likes, as well as friendship with Anthony Kiedis and original Peppers, is an indication of the great popularity of this tribute band, which, both instrumentally and visually transmits the experience that is closest to the live gig of the original team from California.
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Official website: www.rhcpworldtribute.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redhotchilipeppersworldtribute/?ref=br_rs
Ticket is only 400 din Info / reservations of tables at 063 700 81 50