Godine 1983. regrutovan je u The Ramones, a sa bendom se prvi put pojavio na turneji Subterranean Jungle. Sledećih godina Richie je širom sveta izveo preko 500 nastupa sa Ramonsima i napisao nekoliko pesama hvaljenih od strane kritike i favorita obožavatelja za albume Animal Boy, Too Tough to Die i Half Way to Sanity.
Njegova pesma „Somebody Put Something in My Drink“ bila je koncertna okosnica Ramonesa do njihovog poslednjeg nastupa 1996. Kao što je Joey Ramone rekao, „Richie je spasio bend što se mene tiče. Bio je najveća stvar koja se dogodila Ramonesima. Vratio je duh u bend.“
Sada i fanovi u Srbiji mogu da uživaju u tom iskustvu iz prve ruke!
Podrška: Chaos Commute (Germany) & H2O2 (Srbija)
Ulaznice su u pretprodaji po ceni od 600 RSD @ FELIX Shop, TC Sremska & Božidarac cafe dok će na ulazu koštati 800 RSD.
Ulaznice se takođe mogu nabaviti i preko mreže Tickets.rs www.tickets.rs
Ulaz i blagajna od 19h a koncert kreće u 20h.
Richie Ramone is the fastest, most powerful drummer who ever played with the legendary punk-rock band the Ramones.
In 1983, he was recruited into the Ramones, and first appeared with the band on their Subterranean Jungle tour. For the next years, Richie performed over 500 shows around the world with the punk rock originators and wrote several critically acclaimed songs and fan-favorites for the albums Animal Boy, Too Tough to Die and Halfway to Sanity.
His song „Somebody Put Something in My Drink“ was a mainstay in the Ramones set right up until their final show in 1996. As Joey Ramone said, “Richie saved the band as far as I’m concerned. He was the greatest thing to happen to The Ramones. He put the spirit back in the band.”
And now fans can enjoy that experience firsthand!
Doors: 7pm
Show: 8pm
support: Chaos Commute (GER) & H2O2 (SRB)
online: https://www.tickets.rs/program/richie-ramone-1756
fizićke karte: https://www.tickets.rs/partners
fizičke karte: FELIX Shop, TC Sremska & Božidarac cafe