OD 13. FEBRUARA U 19:00 DO 02. MARTA 2018.
„Izložbu roba čini serija radova inspirisanih ulogom žene u tradicionalnom društvu. Ona je ta koja u velikom broju slučaja vodi računa o potrebama jednog domaćinstva, obavlja naporan posao koji joj se podrazumeva. Ujedno, nameću joj se i razne druge uloge koje mora da ispuni ne bi li se uklopila. Neprestano joj se sugeriše kako treba da izgleda a šoping joj se nudi kao lek za smirenje, tako postaje izmanipulisana od strane kapitalističkog sistema koji zarađuje na velikom broju žena nezadovoljnih svojim izgledom.
Ispitujući mogućnosti objektivizacije koristim svakodnevne kućne obaveze kao što su pranje i peglanje garderobe, kao metod vizuelizacije. U tom procesu nestaje linija razgraničenja između ženskog tela i objekata. Dok dehumanizujem žensko telo namerno sakrivajući odlike njenog lica, postavljam pitanje: gde prestaje lični identitet i telo postaje samo objekat u službi određene funkcije i obrnuto.“ (Jelena Marjanović)
Jelena Marjanović, rođena 1980. u Beogradu. Slikarsvo je diplomirala 2005. godine na Akademiji lepih umetnosti. Izlagala na brojnim izložbama od čega pet puta samostalno. Dva puta je nagrađivana u oblasti stripa. Živi i radi u Beogradu.
Galerija Doma omladine Beograda
Radno vreme: utorak-subota od 12:00 do 21:00;
nedeljom od 12:00 do 18:00; ponedeljkom Galerija ne radi.FROM 13 FEBRUARY 19:00 TO 02 MARCH 2018
„The exhibition of goods is a series of works inspired by the role of a woman in a traditional society, the one who takes into account the needs of one household in a large number of cases, carries out the hard work that is implied, and also entails various other roles that must be fulfilled She would constantly be suggesting how to look and shopping is offered as a cure for tranquility, thus becoming manipulated by a capitalist system that earns on a large number of women who are dissatisfied with their appearance.
Examining the possibilities of objectivization I use everyday household duties such as washing and ironing clothes as a visualization method. In this process, the line of delimitation between the female body and objects disappears. As I dehumanize a woman’s body by deliberately concealing the features of her face, I ask the question: where does personal identity cease and the body becomes only an object in the service of a certain function, and vice versa. „(Jelena Marjanović)
Jelena Marjanovic, born in 1980 in Belgrade. She graduated in 2005 at the Academy of Fine Arts. She exhibited at numerous exhibitions of which five times independently. She was twice rewarded in the comic strip. She lives and works in Belgrade.
Gallery of the Youth Center of Belgrade
Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 12:00 to 21:00;
Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00; Monday Gallery does not work.