PETAK, 08. DECEMBAR 2017. U 20:00
Učestvuju: orkestri Gipsy Rhapsody i Very Naiss. Specijalni gosti: Ana Stanić, Bojana Stamenov, Ivan Kurtić i VJ Jelena Rubil
Organizacija: Romski kulturni centar, Nacionalni savet romske nacionalne manjine, Ministarstvo kulture i SOKOJ, uz podršku Doma omladine Beograda.
Ulaznice za ovaj multimedijalni spektakl su besplatne, a zbog ograničenog tiraža, mogu se rezervisati putem mejla: frkafest@gmail.com
Treći po redu Festival romske kulture i aktivizma FRKA, održaće se 8. decembra u sali Amerikana Doma omladine Beograda.
Romski kulturni centar, u saradnji sa Nacionalnim savetom romske nacionalne manjine, Ministarstvom kulture i SOKOJ-em, pripremio je zanimljiv i autentičan program za sve posetioce.
Koncert počinje u 20č nastupom orkestra Gipsy Rhapsody, kojeg predvodi Perica Vasić, violinista Narodnog orkestra RTS-a. Binu zatim preuzima orkestar Very Naiss iz Niša, s kojim će specijalni gosti Ana Stanić, Bojana Stamenov i Ivan Kurtić izvesti nekoliko numera na romskom jeziku.
Tokom celog koncerta VJ Jelena Rubil pušta posebno montirane kratke filmove, fotografije i video poruke u kojima se pojavljuju Mirjana Karanović, Ivan Bekjarev, Zoran Kesić, Radmila Đurić i ostale poznate ličnosti.
Pridružite nam se u petak 8. decembra u Domu omladine Beograda da zajedno proslavimo Dan ljudskih prava i uživamo u sjajnoj muzici i VJ-ingu harizmatičnih autora!FESTIVAL OF ROMA CULTURE AND ACTIVISM „FRKA“
FRIDAY, 08 DECEMBER 2017 At 08 pm
Participants: Gipsy Rhapsody and Very Naiss Orchestras. Special guests: Ana Stanic, Bojana Stamenov, Ivan Kurtić and VJ Jelena Rubil
Organization: Roma Cultural Center, National Council of Roma National Minority, Ministry of Culture and SOKOJ, with the support of the Youth Center of Belgrade.
Tickets for this multimedia spectacle are free, and due to limited circulation, they can be booked via e-mail: frkafest@gmail.com
The third Roma Culture and Activism Festival of the FRCA will be held on December 8 in the hall of the American House of the Youth of Belgrade.
The Roma Cultural Center, in cooperation with the National Council of the Roma National Minority, the Ministry of Culture and SOKOJ, has prepared an interesting and authentic program for all visitors.
The concert starts at 20:00 with the performance of the orchestra Gipsy Rhapsody, led by Perica Vasic, violinist of the National Orchestra of the RTS. Bina is then taken over by the Very Naiss orchestra from Niš, with which special guests Ana Stanić, Bojana Stamenov and Ivan Kurtić will perform several songs in the Romany language.
During the entire concert, VJ Jelena Rubil plays a special set of short films, photographs and video messages in which Mirjana Karanovic, Ivan Bekjarev, Zoran Kesic, Radmila Djuric and other celebrities appear.
Join us on Friday, December 8th, at the Belgrade Youth Center to celebrate the Human Rights Day together and enjoy the great music and VJ-Inge of charismatic authors!