Ruth Koleva vraća se u SOUL 8. februara sa svojim novim albumom Confidence.Truth.
Iako je njen zvuk ukorenjen u soul-u i pod snažnim uticajem džeza, novi album Koleve donosi drugačiji zvuk – ekspresivniji i vibrantiji. Osetićete njen neumorni duh koji je probuđen energijom njenog dugogodišnjeg benda sa kojima se okuražila da izbaci treći album, produciran u LA.
Na albumu Confidence.Truth, Ruth je sarađivala sa muzičarima koji su se pojavljivali na albumima Anderson .Paak, Flying Lotus, José James…
Ruth je svoj zvuk iznela van granice Jugoistočne Evrope, sve do Londona i LA, gde je imala priliku da otvori koncert predivne soul/rnb pevačice Lianne La Havas.
Ruth je otkriče jednog od najznačajnijih muzičkih producenata današnjice, Marka Ronsona, a postala je prepoznatljiva zvezda bugarske muzičke scene, koja je zavidnom saradnjom uspela da glasom ispuni sale u Velikoj Britaniji i SAD.
Umetnici koji definišu soul eru danas – kao što su Erika Badu i Džil Skot, uticali su na kompletnu emociju stvaralaštva ove mlade umetnice.
Cena ulaznice: 350 din
📌Soul Society (stari Bitef)- Skver Mire Trailović, Dorćol
☎ Rezervacije: 063.377.420Ruth Koleva returns to SOUL on February 8 with her new album Confidence.Truth.
Although its sound is rooted in soul and under the strong influence of jazz, the new album Kolevi brings a different sound – more expressive and vibrant. You will feel her tireless spirit awakened by the energy of her long-time band with whom she was tempted to release the third album, produced in LA.
On the album Confidence.Truth, Ruth collaborated with musicians who appeared on Anderson .Paak, Flying Lotus, José James…
Ruth brought her sound beyond the borders of Southeast Europe, all the way to London and LA, where she had the opportunity to open a concert of beautiful soul / rnb singer Lianne La Havas.
Ruth is the discovery of one of the most important music producers of today, Mark Ronson, and has become a recognizable star of the Bulgarian music scene, which with enviable cooperation managed to fill the voices in UK and USA.
Artists who define soul eru today – such as Erika Badu and Jill Scott, have influenced the complete emotion of the creativity of this young artist.
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Ticket price: 350 din
📌Soul Society (old Bitef) – Mire Trailović Square, Dorćol
☎ Reservations: 063.377.420